
A UIC Barcelona student, Clara Usandizaga, wins the 2018-2019 Best University CV Prize from the Catalan Society of Economists

This prize recognises the best academic trajectory among graduates of faculties of Economics and Business in Catalonia

Clara Usandizaga, a student from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, received the 2018-2019 Best University CV Prize that is awarded each year by the Catalan Society of Economists. The awards ceremony took place on 30 October during the traditional Economists Gala Dinner held at Hotel Majestic. The attendees included the Vice-President of the Catalan Government, Pere Aragonès, and the Deputy Mayor for City of Barcelona Council, Jaume Collboni. 

The Best University CV Prize is an award given out each year by the Catalan Society of Economists to the graduate who can demonstrate that they have the best university CV in the field of one of the disciplines taught in the faculties of Economic and Business Sciences in the various universities in Catalonia.   

At this year’s edition, Clara Usandizaga, a UIC Barcelona Business Administration and Management graduate (2015-2019) was given the Best University CV Prize, and ESADE graduate Georgina Roca, received the Best Final Degree Project (FDP) Award for her fintech analysis.  

This is not the first time a UIC Barcelona graduate has received this prize, which includes three years of free tuition at the Catalan Society of Economists.  Recently, graduates Laia Villaró (2013-2014) and Maria Nolla (2015-2016) also received this award.