
UIC Barcelona student representation at the seminar in preparation for the next NATO summit

Oriol Verges i Victor Linares, third and fourth year law students, participated in the conference that had been organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation (MAUC) and the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, (CRUE) with the aim of giving a voice to university students during the preparation of the next NATO summit.

The NATO Summit in Madrid is an opportunity to bring the inner workings of institutions closer to young people. This was the idea behind the seminar held in advance of the summit at the University of Cordoba, in which young people were the main participants.

The event took place on 1 and 2 April and was promoted by the MAUC and the CRUE with the aim of giving a voice to university students during the preparations for the NATO summit, scheduled to take place in Madrid on 29 and 30 June.

The exploratory seminar was attended by university students from all over the state. Among them were Oriol Verges and Victor Linares, UIC Barcelona students studying third and fourth year Law, who had been invited to represent our University. Both students were grateful for the opportunity to take part in the event and emphasised that the experience “was very enriching not only at a professional level, but also at a personal level.” In addition, Verges explained that “participating in the working group on Russia, a team activity led by an expert diplomat on the subject, was very stimulating and interesting as we delved into current affairs with students from other universities.”

The two-day seminar included presentations by experts and key figures, and the setting up of various working groups already mentioned. The event enabled attendees to discuss the most relevant topics and present their conclusions on issues such as cybersecurity, terrorism or the global geopolitical landscape, among others.

The event was inaugurated by Luis Manuel Cuesta Civís, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, and was attended by Javier Colomina Píriz, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy; the Ambassador on Special Mission for the NATO Summit, Álvaro Iranzo Gutierrez; Head of Cabinet of the Secretariat for Foreign and Global Affairs, Hugo Alcalá; The mayor of Cordoba, José Maria Bellido Roche, and the rector of the University of Cordoba, José Carlos Gomez Villamandos.