
UIC Barcelona students and professionals train health promoters in Guatemala

Seven students and professionals from our university travelled to Quetzaltenango in Guatemala between 24 July and 14 August. During this time they visited six communities in the department of Coatepeque and six communities in the department of Totonicapán. 

The aim of this summer camp was, on the one hand, to train health promoters through workshops on alcoholism, dental hygiene, nutrition and general health-related hygiene. On the other hand the summer camp aimed to develop the human dimension of the students and professionals acting as volunteers while at the same time ensuring that the experience would complement the students’ academic studies. According to Isabel Trigo, head of the University Students In Solidarity Service at UIC Barcelona "through these types of experiences the university aims for students to discover the vocation to help society and also acquire a commitment to society".  Almost 2.000 people directly benefited from the work carried out in the summer camp this year.

This activity was also provided with support by FUNDAP, a local NGO that has more than 25 years of experience in promoting development in Guatemala based on human dignity. This development includes respect for the individual, for their culture and traditions, and active participation in fighting poverty, with a focus on rural areas in the Western part of Guatemala.

The summer camp was provided with a donation from Sant Cugat City Council, the Fundación Privada Hospital Asilo de Granollers also donated hospital material, and 500 children's toothbrushes were donated by a company called Dentaid. It was also made possible due to help received from a large number of anonymous donors who, through a project entitled "promueve sonrisas en Guatemala" on the "Mi grano de arena" crowdfunding platform, made donations of more than one thousand euros.