
UIC Barcelona's 6th year medical students start their clinical practice, in light of possible new outbreak in the autumn

The university has decided that students will start their work practice in healthcare centres now in case there is a new surge in COVID-19 cases in the autumn

As in previous years, 6th year medical students have just started their rotating practices in healthcare facilities for the academic year 2020-21. The objective of this period is to make the most of their time and also to be prepared in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak in the autumn.
Hospitals, universities and partner organisations have developed a specific contingency plan to ensure that students can carry out their work practice in a safe way both for themselves and for patients. For their part, students have signed an agreement to comply with general health standards and the specific procedures indicated by each centre. The students have received specific training at the centres, where they have been provided with the necessary protective equipment, according to the service they will work on.
“This is important for students to be prepared to help in the event of another outbreak of the pandemic, and to be able to cooperate effectively as they have shown to be able to do in their support and volunteer actions over the last few months.” explains Dr Albert Balaguer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.