
UIC Begins Accreditation Process for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes

The UIC has begun the accreditation process for its bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in accordance with the ex-ante assessment, monitoring, modification and accreditation (VSMA) framework established by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU Catalunya).

The assessment process will start with the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies and the Master’s Degree Programme in Cultural Management at the Faculty of Humanities, the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and the master’s degree programmes in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology and Physiotherapy and Scientific Evidence.

First, the faculties will complete a self-assessment in which they will identify strengths and areas for improvement in relation to their courses and gather evidence to support the directions taken in their curricula. The process will culminate in an external visit by an assessment committee made up of academics from outside the UIC, who will conduct an in situ examination of the functioning of the University's programmes and its Internal Quality Assurance System. 

The external visits to the two faculties will take place in February 2015. Afterwards, the faculties can apply to the Government of Catalonia and the Board for University Coordination to have their programme accreditation renewed.

Their self-assessments can be accessed in the Quality area of the UIC’s website: http://www.uic.es/ca/la-universitat-qualitat.