
UIC Brings Together 900 Economics Experts in 5th Catalan Accounting and Management Conference

On Thursday and Friday, 6-7 June 2013, the UIC hosted the fifth Catalan Accounting and Management Conference, organized by the Catalan Accounting and Management Association (ACCID), which brought together approximately 900 experts in the field of business.

In his inaugural address, UIC Rector Dr. Pere Alavedra thanked the ACCID for choosing the UIC as the site of the conference. “This conference shows the capacity and the willingness of civil society, through professional associations, to serve the community. They form the backbone of our national identity,” he said.

Albert Carreras, the General Secretary of the Catalan Ministry of Economics and Business, and Ferran Termes, the President of the ACCID, were also present at the inauguration of the conference. Also participating in the inauguration were the deans of the Catalan Association of Economists and the Catalan Council of the Association of Mercantile and Business Professionals; the presidents of the Catalan Association of Certified Accountants, the Catalan Association of Secretaries, Auditors and Treasurers and the Official Catalan Association of Administrative Managers; and Dr. Miquel Bastons, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences.

Afterwards, the opening session took place with a lecture given by Salvador Alemany, the President of Abertis, the international mobility and telecommunications company.

Over the two days, the international conference included two plenary lectures, four concurrent sessions and 27 work sessions carried out with the accounting and financial information of the participating companies. Among other issues, the conference dealt with new fiscal and accounting practices, alternatives to financing and risk analysis.

The ACCID Awards, ACCID-ÒMNIUM Awards and ACCID research grants were also presented at the conference. These awards acknowledge the work done in Catalonia in the area of financial information for professionals, academics, public organizations and private companies.