
UIC Champion of RC Corporate Football League

El pasado miércoles 6 de febrero, el equipo de la UIC de Fútbol 7 ganó la final del 18º Torneo RC Sports. Tras una remontada durante la segunda parte, la UIC se impuso al equipo Aeropuerto ATH por 3 a 4.

On Wednesday, 6 February 2013, the UIC seven-a-side football team won the final of the 18th RC Sports Tournament. After a comeback in the second half, the UIC beat Aeropuerto ATH 4 to 3.

The tournament, in which different companies compete, takes place in Barcelona from September to February of each academic year. The UIC team, made up of students from different university degree programmes and courses, has been participating for five years. This year they were the champions for the first time. In past years, the UIC finished fourth (2009-2010) and third (the other two).

“This year's seven-a-side football team followed the championship's motto to the letter: ‘Talent and hard work’”, said Borja de Alarcón, the Head of the UIC's Sports Service. “Setting their sights on the University Championship of Catalonia has helped improve the team's performance. They are constantly pushing themselves and that has its rewards”.

In addition, Yassir Ouhaddouch, a first-year business administration student, was named the most valuable player in the league as well as the third highest scorer. Javier Estévez, a third-year dentistry student, was named the most valuable player in the final.

The UIC was also declared champion in the Padel Tennis University Championship of Catalonia, which took place in Tarragona on Thursday, 7 March 2013. Marco Encinas, a fifth-year dentistry student, and Santi Soldevila, a second-year medical student, won 6-0 and 6-4 against the team from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, which hosted the tournament.

These successes can be added to those of other UIC teams, which, without being declared champions, finished well and have been improving quickly, such as men's rugby, volleyball, swimming and golf. In addition, the women's rugby and basketball teams made their debut at the beginning of the academic year.