
UIC Course to Address Burning International Issues from Legal Perspective

The Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences at the UIC held an opening ceremony conducted by Daniele Perico, the former Consul General of Italy in Barcelona, to launch the second edition of the Course on International Relations, Diplomatic Law and Consular Practice, which is due to start on Tuesday, 8 October 2013.

The course will tackle the most burning issues on the international scene from a legal point of view in order to shed light on matters affecting diplomatic law and international relations, including the Syrian conflict, tensions in Gibraltar, the Assange case and the process to extradite Snowden.

The course is run by Professor Víctor Pou, a teacher of International Relations and World Economics at the UIC, a teacher of Economics at IESE Business School, and External Relations Councillor at the European Commission. The teaching staff is made up of academics who specialize in international and consular law, international relations, international protocol and commercial diplomacy.

It is aimed at people who carry out their professional activity in an international setting (consular staff, officials of international organizations, company directors, heads of trade associations and NGOs, etc.) and wish to gain more in-depth knowledge about international relations, especially in the consular and diplomatic fields. However, the course is also aimed at professionals, including lawyers, journalists and political scientists, who wish to broaden their education and specialize in this area of law and international relations.

The course will include special sessions with well-known figures such as Andreu Bassols, the General Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed); Albert Royo, the Secretary-General of the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (DIPLOCAT); Senén Florensa, the Spanish Ambassador and President of IEMed; Josep Maria Lloveras, a former European Union Ambassador in the Central African Republic and Serbia; Joan Prat Coll, the Ambassador and former Director of the Delegation of Catalonia in Brussels; Carlos Pérez Desoy, a diplomat and professor of Diplomatic Law at the Universitat de València; and Joaquim Llimona, the Director of International Affairs and Cooperation for Barcelona City Council.