
UIC Creates New Master's Programme to Promote Entrepreneurship

The aim of the Master's in Business Innovation (MBI) is to train leaders in the innovation processes demanded by companies. Students on the MBI will acquire the skills of a 21st-century entrepreneur, a professional who not only possesses technical knowledge, but lives in a culture of commitment and challenges within a context of accelerated knowledge, creativity and globalization.

The MBI educational model recreates a truly innovative environment in which training and entrepreneurship come together thanks to the knowledge-based methodology and architecture. These focus on experiencing innovation based on the application of the dual concepts of technology and design.

The master’s programme combines study with real work experience in which multidisciplinary teams of students collaborate with companies to create and test prototypes and implement business models before bringing their proposals to market.

Among the companies that will collaborate with the UIC on the master’s programme are the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), Hospital de Sant Pau, Capio Sanidad, the Hospital General de Granollers and the Althaia Group.

The main objective of the MBI is to prepare students for jobs that are intensive in terms of knowledge, creativity and technology, that already exist or must be created, in diverse areas of companies involved in innovation and the design of products and services, processes and business models.

The master’s programme also equips students to carry out other professional functions such as management and strategies for innovation and design in companies; advice and consultancy in the area of innovation and design for companies and organizations; management and strategy activities that are specific to project management; and in-company research on new products and services.