
UIC First Private University in Catalonia with Doctorate School

The UIC has become the first private university in Catalonia to have a doctorate school after its constitution was officially published in the Bulletin of the Government of Catalonia (DOGC) on Thursday, 12 September 2013.

Up until now, the doctoral degree programmes taught at the UIC have been organized and coordinated by the Vice Rector’s Office for Research in collaboration with the related departments that managed them. From this point forward, the new Doctorate School will help improve quality and ensure that doctoral degree programmes are managed more efficiently and that complete consistency is maintained with the research policies established by the university’s governing bodies.

The Doctorate School will give fresh impetus to the research and doctoral training strategy, whose key priorities are the internationalization and targeting of research areas. 

Dr. Frederic Marimon, the Vice Rector for Research, said, “The creation of the Doctorate School responds to the UIC’s aim of positioning itself as a leading university for training junior researchers”.

The Doctorate School will be run by Dr. Toni Mora, the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, who stressed, “This new Doctorate School will present opportunities for growing and improving postgraduate studies and, as a direct result, it will also lay the foundations for quality research”.

In order to guarantee that candidates acquire the skills they need to obtain a doctoral degree, the Doctorate School will strive to ensure that they receive training specific to their scientific discipline. It will also design courses and facilitate the mobility of students and teaching staff, so that the new doctors have the autonomy to carry out a research project by the time they have completed their doctoral thesis.

The Doctorate School will endeavour to provide doctoral candidates with a research setting that encourages communication and creativity, and to ensure that knowledge is transferred to the country’s business community. It will also ensure that graduates have the skills required to work at companies and in other sectors of society once they have been awarded their doctoral degree.