
The UIC Joins Caritas Barcelona's 'Universities with Heart' Programme

The UIC has concluded the terms of a collaboration agreement which affiliates the University to the Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona's 'Universities with Heart' Programme.

The Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona uses this programme to get universities involved in the development of social welfare and makes its knowledge and experience available to the entire university community in the form of volunteer programmes and corporate social responsibility. The Caritas Charitable Organization aims to transmit values inspired by the principles of Christian humanism, including justice, solidarity, hope and dignity.

The UIC sees social action as a driver of personal and social transformation, and the goal of the University’s Students for Solidarity Service (SUS) is to contribute to the broader education of the student body and help UIC students discover a service vocation.

The agreement between the Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona and the UIC demonstrates a mutual commitment to organize volunteer workshops, events and activities aimed at the entire university community with these goals in mind. It will also provide opportunities for UIC students to take on volunteer assignments within the Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona itself.

The Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona has already played an active role in conferences held at the UIC during the 2013-2014 academic year. Carme Trilla, the Head of the Housing Mediation Service, took part in a forum on the right to housing organized by the UIC’s Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF). Carme Villalba, formerly the Coordinator of the Barcelonès Sud team of volunteers, delivered a training session on volunteer values to a group of UIC students who will travel to Guatemala this summer to take part in a volunteer work camp organized by the University in conjunction with the Foundation for the Comprehensive Development of Socioeconomic Programmes (FUNDAP). The signing of the new agreement formalizes the association between the two institutions with the purpose of establishing closer collaborative ties.

Dr. Pere Alavedra, the Rector of the UIC, and Salvador Bacardit i Fígols, the Episcopal Representative of the Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona, were present at the signing of the agreement.

Dr. Belén Zárate, the Vice Rector for the University Community, said, “The UIC is interested in collaborating with non-profit organizations which, like the Caritas Charitable Organization of Barcelona, work in the field of social action for the most disadvantaged, strengthen and promote volunteerism, and get society involved in solving social problems".