
UIC Launches Winter Catalan Course for Erasmus Students

On Monday, 14 January 2013, the UIC became the first university to kick off the Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (EILC). The UIC, along with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Girona, the Universitat de les Illes Balears and Universitat Ramon Llull, will offer a total of seven courses this winter. They form part of the 20 EILC courses in Catalan offered by the Vives Network universities during the 2012-2013 academic year.

EILC courses in Catalan were specifically conceived by the European Union as “specialized
courses in the less widely used and less taught languages organized in the
countries where these languages are used as the language of instruction at
higher education institutions”. The courses are recognized for ECTS credit
transfer (four credits) and are held before the start of the academic year in
order to prepare Erasmus students for their stay. The courses include a variety
of cultural activities in addition to the theory classes.

Marta Juanhuix, the Director of the UIC Service to
Promote the Use of the Catalan Language, and Maciej Kwiatkowski, the Director
of International Relations, welcomed about 20 students who had enrolled in one
of the winter courses supported by the Vives
University Network. After the customary introductions, a series of workshops
and dynamic activities were carried out in order to introduce the students to
Catalan language and culture. The welcome session concluded with a taste of
traditional Catalan pa amb tomàquet (bread with tomato).

this academic year, a total of 20 courses will be held in the Vives Network universities; 13 will run over
the summer period and seven during the winter period (three more than last
year). This increase in the number of courses, which receive funding from the
European Union, demonstrates the success that has been achieved in this third