
"UIC & LEAKS" Concludes Radio Workshop for Master's Programme in Sports Journalism

Students in the Master's Programme in Sports Journalism made a radio programme in real time. They were directed by Jordi Borda, a sports journalist for Catalunya Ràdio and the professor of the subject Radio Workshop.

On Thursday, 4 April 2013, students in the Master's programme simulated an hour-long live sports newscast in the Faculty of Communication Sciences' radio studio.

The entire class worked as a team in the production and broadcast of "UIC & LEAKS". The activity began at noon with a meeting in which tasks were assigned and the sections of the broadcast were outlined. The students then began working against the clock as occurs in a real broadcast. The team had to decide on the line-up for the programme, draft the content and search for news resources (audio, interviews, etc.).

At 6 p.m., the time of the live broadcast, the students proved that sports is a subject they master and that radio is a medium in which they feel very comfortable working. Miquel Jairo, a technician for Catalunya Ràdio, and Jordi Borda participated in the recording.