
UIC Lecturer Juan Antonio Andino Awarded Degà Roda i Ventura Memorial Prize by Barcelona Bar Association

As well as Andino, the prize was also awarded this year to María del Rosario García, Rogelio Pérez-Bustamante and José Manuel Pradas for their book Memoria de la Abogacía Española. Abogados de Madrid – Abogados de España II (1838-1874) (Chronicle of the Spanish Legal Profession: Madrid Lawyers – Spanish Lawyers II, 1838-1874).

Photography: Barcelona Bar Association

On Friday afternoon, 30 January 2015, the Barcelona Bar Association awarded its annual Degà Roda i Ventura Memorial Prize to Juan Antonio Andino, a lecturer at the Universitat de Catalunya’s (UIC) Faculty of Law, for his book El secreto profesional del abogado en el Proceso Civil (Lawyers’ Professional Secrecy in Civil Proceedings), which was published last year by Bosch Editor. The awards ceremony formed part of the official celebrations for the feast day of St. Raymond of Penyafort, which were organized by the Barcelona Bar Association and held at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.

Andino was awarded the prize jointly with María del Rosario García, Rogelio Pérez-Bustamante and José Manuel Pradas for their book Memoria de la Abogacía Española. Abogados de Madrid – Abogados de España II (1838-1874) (Chronicle of the Spanish Legal Profession: Madrid Lawyers – Spanish Lawyers II, 1838-1874), which was published by the Madrid Bar Association and Thomson Reuters Aranzadi in 2014.

The Degà Roda i Ventura Memorial Prize is awarded annually in recognition of an article, essay or book on the subject of professional associations and the liberal professions, especially those related to law. This year’s panel was presided over by the Dean of the Barcelona Bar Association and comprised all of the Bar Association’s former deans.

Andino holds a degree in Law from the Universitat de Barcelona and a Master’s Degree in Legal Consulting for Businesses from IE Law School. He is a partner at Adesse Abogados S.L. and lectures in arbitration and general procedural law and language at the UIC, as well as giving classes on Commercial Practice to students from the Master's Degree Programme in Legal Studies (Domestic and International) offered by the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (ISDE). Andino’s areas of specialization include commercial contracting (domestic and international), arbitration and procedural law (domestic and international), corporate law, insolvency law and administrative law.