
UIC lecturer Violán moderates a colloquium on the keys to a successful TED Talk

The event was organised by the Paideia Group of the Faculty of Humanities 

Miguel Ángel Violán Galán, persuasive communication lecturer at the UIC currently doing his PhD on TED Talks, moderated an interactive colloquium in which ideas about what made a good TED Talk were discussed. Topics and speakers were proposed, and attendees talked about what type of TED Talk the Faculty of Humanities would give. A wide range of ideas came out, such as children's art education, music, project management, origami, entrepreneurship and social work. 

Violán said that "the secret to TED Talks is that there is no secret". You just need to have an idea you think is worth sharing. "For this reason, it's essential to put yourself in the shoes of the audience", said Violán.  

A TED Talk, he concluded, is actually an example of a worldview — the speaker's viewpoint of the world. TED Talks can broaden horizons and help construct personal views.