
UIC Offers Environmental Law Training for Approximately Thirty Brazilian Judges

The week of 17-21 September 2012, approximately thirty Brazilian judges took the course «New Trends in Environmental Law: A Legal Refresher Course» at the UIC. It was organized by the UIC Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences in collaboration with the Brazilian Association of Federal Judges (Ajufe), the main association of judges in Brazil.

Over four days,
the course covered the most pressing issues in environmental law, as well as
the latest legislative and jurisprudential trends. The six presentations prepared by
Faculty professors covered all areas of environmental law, from the latest
Spanish and European legislation and case law to environmental crime. The Heads
of Administrative Law from the Universitat de Girona, the Universidad
de Valladolid and the Universitat de Barcelona also participated on the course.

Javier Junceda,
the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Law, organized and spoke at the event. He was
impressed with both the content of the talks as well as the international level
of the event, which reinforced the ties between the UIC and Latin America.
"As an institution, we are proud of the fact that so many judges have
travelled so far at their own expense to further their knowledge in our
classrooms and join us on this path of excellence that we will continue to
follow", Junceda said.

José Marcos
Lunardelli, the president of Ajufe and an appeals judge in São Paulo, said that
his association was interested in strengthening its ties with the UIC.  "Thanks to the success and quality of
this first experience, we plan to draw up a collaboration agreement in order to
organize further training programmes here at the UIC", he said. It is the
only training that Ajufe organizes abroad.

The next event
planned for Ajufe at the UIC is due to take place 23-24 May 2013. The Universidade de São Paulo and the Universidad
de Alicante will also participate in this event, which will be a conference
on procedural law.