
UIC Picks Up Part of Enrolment Fee for Humanities Students

The UIC has assumed its role as patron by committing to pay part of the enrolment fee for students in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies, as well as for students studying any of the three double degrees offered by the Faculty of Humanities.

According to the 2012 Yearbook of Cultural Statistics issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the cultural sector accounts for more than 3% of Spain's GDP. In view of this, the UIC recognizes the need to train professionals in the cultural field in order to contribute to social progress, an idea that is shared by Dr. Teresa Vallès, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Humanities.

As a result, in the 2013-2014 academic year, students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies will pay only half the enrolment fee. The UIC will cover 50% of the current cost per credit, leaving students to pay only €3,600 for the 60 credits that make up the academic year. At the same time, the university will also pay half of the enrolment feel for students studying any of the three double degrees offered by the Faculty of Humanities.

"The UIC's patronage of the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies is a firm commitment to creating a society steeped in humanism", assured Dr. Teresa Vallès. "The message could not be clearer: the humanities are part of the solution to the problems facing our society".

To achieve this, the UIC is committed to training professionals in the cultural field who are able to transmit this heritage through their personal and professional lives. Ultimately, the university is driven by a sense of social responsibility to help more students gain access to the degree programme and the double degrees offered by the faculty.

Training in the Faculty of Humanities

The Bachelor's Degree Programme in Humanities and Cultural Studies trains professionals in the cultural field by providing a solid humanistic background. The degree programme combines theoretical reflexion with the acquisition of personal and professional skills. The academic training provides students with a multidisciplinary and comprehensive understanding of cultures and is reinforced by personalized attention, internships, foreign exchange programmes and participation in projects on multiculturalism and solidarity.

Career opportunities for students completing the degree programme include different aspects of cultural management (foundations, museums, exhibitions, concerts, fairs, etc.) and work in international organizations (cooperation and development, cultural integration, cultural mediation, etc.), as well as teaching, publishing, tourism, cultural journalism, etc.

The faculty also offers three double degrees that allow students to combine humanities with other disciplines, such as law, education and business administration. In addition, the faculty offers a Master's Degree in Cultural Management, which has a programme in Spanish and another entirely in English.