
UIC Presents Book on Care from Nurse's Perspective

The book «Cuidar: arte y ciencia. Reflexiones sobre la Enfermería del s. XXI» (Care: Art and Science. Reflections on 21st-Century Nursing) will be presented on Thursday, 18 October 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at the CaixaForum building. The book was published by the UIC on the occasion of the International Year of the Nurse, which the university is celebrating in 2012.

The ceremony will be attended by Boi Ruiz, the Catalan Minister of Health, Dr. Albert Jovell, the President of the Spanish Patients' Forum and the Director of the UIC's Global Institute of Public Health and Health Policy, Marisa Ridao, the Strategic Director of Nursing at the Ministry of Health, and Dr. Cristina Monforte, the Director of the UIC Nursing Department.

The Nursing Department has devoted this year to reflecting on the nursing profession and one of its key functions: care. In the edition of the book to be presented on Thursday, about twenty testimonials, including those of renowned professionals from Catalonia and abroad, have joined in on this reflection from the perspective of their different fields. Doctors, nurses, politicians, health managers, journalists, writers, humanists and patients contribute their vision of nursing and care.

The book received support from Capio Hospital General de Catalunya, Bellvitge University Hospital, the Althaia Healthcare Network in Manresa and Hospital General in Granollers. These institutions have participated actively since January in all the events organized by the UIC within the context of International Year of the Nurse.