
UIC Promotes Language Exchanges at International «Castanyada»

El miércoles y el jueves la UIC celebró la castañada en ambos campus. En el marco de la celebración se dieron a conocer los tándems lingüísticos, una iniciativa del Servicio de Idiomas y del Servicio de Normalización Lingüística para promover el intercambio lingüístico los alumnos de la UIC.

The Language Service and the Service to Promote the Use of the Catalan Language celebrated the International «Castanyada» by offering roasted chestnuts and muscatel to everyone in the university community, before taking the opportunity to tell them about language exchanges, i.e. informal, free-of-charge meetings between two people who want to practice speaking a foreign language. Those who were interested in taking part in an exchange were given forms on which to indicate their personal details, the languages they spoke and the ones they were interested in learning. The forms will be used to put the volunteers in touch with one another. Between the two campuses, a total of around 100 applications were received from people interested in taking part in the language exchange scheme.