
UIC Sant Cugat Campus Eats Paella, Fights Heart Disease

On Tuesday, 2 December 2014, on the occasion of TV3’s annual Telethon, which this year focuses on heart disease, the UIC’s Medicine and Health Sciences Student Association (AEMiCS) prepared an enormous charity paella and organized a lecture by cardiologist Ramón Brugada on sudden cardiac death.

At midday, approximately 90 people at a time began taking turns eating the charity paella. In the afternoon, around 150 people came to hear Dr. Brugada’s lecture on sudden cardiac death, which claims 3,500 lives every year, while traffic fatalities total around 350.

Proceeds from the paella went to the TV3 Telethon Foundation. The Telethon (http://www.tv3.cat/marato) is a charity project run by Televisió de Catalunya, the public television network of Catalonia, and the TV3 Telethon Foundation, which focuses on raising funds for scientific research into diseases that currently have no definitive cure. The Telethon also plays an important role in raising awareness about these diseases in Catalonia and drawing attention to the need for research on how to prevent and cure them.