
The UIC Stands out in Social Networks According to Signe Report

The UIC shows it is well positioned in social networks, specifically Twitter and LinkedIn, according to a report released by the company Signe.

The report, The Development and Influence of ICTs at Spanish Universities, analyses how ICTs are used by Spanish universities in the areas of teaching, research and equipment, and how these universities participate in social networks.

According to the report, most Spanish universities use social networks, mainly Facebook and Twitter, to communicate with students and society in general.

On Twitter, the UIC stands out for having 176% more followers than students. According to the report, the average number of followers these universities have is about 60% of their student body.  Moreover, the UIC is among the top 100 centres with the best positions in the Twitter Spain ranking of journalists, education, economics and culture. The UIC currently has 9300 followers on social networks.

In terms of LinkedIn, Signe also highlighted the updated content and customized design of the UIC's profile. The UIC now has 1988 followers on LinkedIn. The study points out that many universities have only a brief description of their history and services on LinkedIn.

The UIC's aim is to increase its presence on social networks. It has specific profiles on Facebook and Twitter for different faculties and departments. Follow the UIC on Twitter at @UICBarcelona and on Facebook at facebook.es/UICBarcelona.