
UIC Welcomes New Students

On Monday, 17 September 2012, the UIC welcomed new students beginning the 2012-2013 academic year. Throughout the day, students were introduced to university life and the different services available at the university.

Once again the
UIC welcomed new students beginning another academic year. In his opening
address, Dr. Pere Alavedra, the UIC Rector, stressed to students that the
moment they enter the university they become "professional students"
and that they should study in order to "give back to society" by
becoming leaders in their professions. He also pointed out that one of the
services that sets the UIC apart from other universities is personalized

In the session
"Being an Undergraduate", Dr. Zárate, the Vice Rector for the
University Community, reminded students that being an undergraduate "is
much more than studying; it's a way of life". During her speech, the Vice
Rector also spoke about the committed attitude an undergraduate should adopt.
"Don't let these years of university go by without soaking it all
in", she recommended.

Dr. Teresa
Vallès, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, led the session "What is
the UIC? Values", in which she covered the four values that the UIC tries
to transmit – "person, truth, commitment and professionalism" – and
how they affect daily life at the university. Vallès stressed that entering
university was not just a matter of academic achievement, but also
"maturity and personal growth".

Monsignor Miquel
Àngel Castelló described the services offered by the Chaplaincy and Borja de
Alarcón, the Head of the Student Services Sports Department, spoke about the
other services available at the UIC. He ended with a video describing each one,
in which the actor Joan Pera appears.

During the
break, the UIC Theatre Group performed a short play. Afterwards, Dr. Juan Ramón
Medina, a professor in the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, presided
over the session "UIC Style", in which he discussed the different values
and attitudes a good university student should have. The professor emphasized
that the UIC fosters responsible freedom, real freedom of conscience and social

Finally, the
session ended with a video of the activities organized by Student Services. The
seminar was divided into two sessions: one in the morning for students from the
Barcelona Campus, and one in the afternoon for students from the Sant Cugat