
The University flowed with solidarity in the 6th edition of UIC Solidarity Day

The entire university community experienced a day of volunteering with a dozen participating social entities on both campuses

The 6th edition of UIC Barcelona's Social Day took place on 16 November at the Barcelona and Sant Cugat Campuses, with the aim to continue bringing volunteering closer to the entire university community, and has become the most significant solidarity event of the academic year.

A total of ten local NGOs participated in this edition, bringing students, faculty and staff of the University closer to the social world and community volunteers. The novelty this year was that Social Day was celebrated in November instead of March, as it was done a few years ago, giving the day a Christmas spirit. “It is a campaign to raise awareness of the social organizations that we collaborate throughout the year, and celebrating Social Day earlier, we managed to get many more students to sign up for volunteering activities that run the entire academic year, which we promote through the University Students for Solidarity Service”, explained Micaela Infiesta and Dani Bonsfills, heads of the service.

Making advent calendars for children with disabilities, starting the Christmas food collection campaign for families in disadvantaged situations or writing Christmas cards to people living in nursing homes were some of the actions proposed during the day. Social Day managed to accomplish the all solidarity missions proposed for the day in just a few hours with more than 400 registered participants and many more who came and participated even though they hadn’t registered.

The different actions benefiting local entities received support from Amici Miei Producciones, Disgo S.L. and Eurest Catalunya S.L., and focused on helping children with hearing impairment, children at risk of social exclusion, migrant families or disadvantaged families, people with disabilities, the elderly and homeless people. All UIC Social Day social actions in benefit of local entities ended yesterday, except for the food collection campaign, which will continue through the coming weeks in the boxes that have been placed in the Beta building entrance on the Barcelona Campus and in the entrance hall of the Sant Cugat Campus.