
Valentí Fuster gives the inaugural lecture at the opening ceremony of the academic year in which UIC Barcelona celebrates 25 years

Yesterday, Thursday, 6 October, UIC Barcelona’s Aula Magna exceeded its capacity of 450 people to host the solemn inauguration ceremony of the 2022-2023 academic year, the year in which the University celebrates 25 years. Members of the UIC Barcelona community (administration and service staff, faculty, students and former students), as well as academic and institutional authorities did not want to miss this solemn ceremony that marked the beginning of the several commemorative events that the institution is celebrating during this academic year, on the occasion of the first 25 years of the University. The ceremony, led by journalist Ramon Pellicer, member of the Academic University Council, was full of emotional surprises and embellished with musical pieces performed by pianist Carolina Estrada and mezzo-soprano Cristina Segura, teachers of the Faculty of Education Sciences.

Ramon Pellicer led the ceremony and Judith Urbano, dean of the Faculty of Humanities, presented a video looking back at the origins of UIC Barcelona.

The opening speech was given by Miguel Ángel Cazcarra, president of the UIC Barcelona University Board, who stated that, in these 25 years, the centre had established itself as “an entity of quality and knowledge transfer.” At the beginning of his speech, he stressed that “in a time of great challenges like today’s, the University wants to be a tool for the future.”

Next, Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, introduced the patron of honour and guest speaker, Dr Valentí Fuster, who in 2010 was named doctor honoris causa in the same Aula Magna, whose laudatio was then given by Dr Balaguer himself. Dr Fuster is an internationally renowned cardiologist both for his scientific contributions in this field and for his concern for the health of the general population and, particularly, for cardiovascular risk prevention.

Fuster gave a speech entitled “Health, Technology and Humanism,” in which the renowned cardiologist said that cardiovascular disease “begins at age 15 or 20,” even though it may not be detected until later. During his entertaining and informative intervention, Fuster explained that, thanks to new imaging technologies, in recent years it has been possible to discover that disease “begins in the femoral region, but is not manifested because the arteries are very thick.”

After his speech, the 2021-2022 academic year report was read by the secretary-general, Belén Castro. Castro recalled important moments of the past academic year, such as the investment of Rector Alfonso Méndiz, the presentation of the new UIC Barcelona Cuides Clinic and the 1st International Family Support Workshop held in May, which brought together more than 500 representatives from 50 countries. She also remembered the university community members who are no longer with us this year, among whom is the first rector of UIC Barcelona, Jordi Cervós i Navarro. Then she gave the figures on the University in terms of research, teaching, transfer and social commitment, supported by a video report.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Research and Universities, Gemma Geis, who congratulated the University for its 25 years and highlighted the role of UIC Barcelona as a research centre. The minister confirmed that UIC Barcelona “has its own project, full of personality, that will cause it to grow and move forward.”

Rector Alfonso Méndiz inaugurated the 2022-2023 academic year with the closing speech in which he emphasised that the University had met many challenges during these years, but that the it must not settle for “what has been achieved, or routine forms of teaching, or obsolete lines of research,” but must continue to pursue “innovation, creativity, generation of ideas, and knowledge.” Méndiz thanked all those who helped the University to get to this place. For the rector, the 25th anniversary is an opportunity to “look back” to the origins of the University and learn more about its roots and see what gives meaning to its work. In this line, he committed to “innovation that drives and mobilizes us, and identity that provides light and direction, because identity without innovation is sclerosis, and innovation without identity is disintegration.”

Inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year marks the beginning of the several commemorative events celebrated by the Institution, which can be followed on a special 25th anniversary website. The event closed with the singing of Gaudeamus igitur, led by teachers Carolina Estrada and Cristina Segura, who put the finishing touch on a special and extraordinary ceremony for all those who have been part and are part of UIC Barcelona.