
Vertical Workshop Fountain Projects on Display in Horta-Guinardó District

On Thursday, 4 October 2012, Francina Vila, the Horta-Guinardó district councillor, officially opened an exhibition of projects to remodel the district's fountains that were undertaken by students participating in the 2012 Vertical Workshop at the ESARQ School of Architecture. The exhibition at the Horta-Guinardó district office will be open to visitors until Thursday 18 October.

As part of the event held on 4 October, which was titled "Fountains: Recreation and Architecture in the History of Horta-Guinardó", there was a debate on how the city's heritage and the fountains’ importance as meeting places for the people are being restored. The debate was open to residents of the district and was also attended by Vicente Guallart, the manager of Barcelona City Council’s Urban Habitat Department; Vicenç Sarrablo, the director of the ESARQ School of Architecture; and Gonzalo Puelles, the Horta-Guinardó councillor for Urban Planning.

the evening of Thursday, 4 October 2012, the Horta-Guinardó district office
hosted the session “An Evening Dedicated to Water” as part of the development
process within the Economic and Cultural Promotion Plan called “The City of
Water”, whose objective is to boost the district's appeal. This tourism plan
was conceived in order to raise awareness about the district by linking it with
proposals for carrying out socio-cultural activities and restoring its tangible
and intangible heritage. The district of Horta-Guinardó is made up of 11
neighbourhoods that differ greatly from each other but whose histories share a
common feature: water. With that in mind, the plan was named “The City of Water”,
since water forms the cornerstone of all of the neighbourhoods and is the key
element of the tourist sites.

session, which was the result of a collaboration between the district, the
ESARQ School of Architecture and the Aigües de Barcelona water company,
started with a presentation about the district's fountains titled “Fountains:
Recreation and Architecture in the History of the Horta-Guinardó District”. It was
presided over by district councillor Francina Vila and was
attended by ESARQ director Vicenç Sarrablo.

Francina Vila was also responsible for giving the audience a historical overview of
the district's relationship with water. At the same time, some professors and a
group of students from the ESARQ had the opportunity to describe their projects
to the authorities and residents at the meeting. A tasting session of water
from the fountains was then held by Aigües de Barcelona.

the first week of September, more than 200 students from the ESARQ School of
Architecture worked on the project, which was titled “Watering Places: The
Fountains of Horta-Guinardó”, to come up with proposals for remodelling five
fountains in the Horta-Guinardó district. The 10 projects carried out by the
students can now be viewed at the district office until 18 October.

Vicente Guallart, manager of
Barcelona City Council’s Urban Habitat Department, during his speech.