
Vicente Guallart Is Guest of Honour for Presentation of Work by Management Students from UIC ESARQ School of Architecture

On Tuesday, 16 December 2014, Barcelona City Council’s Head Architect Vicente Guallart assessed the end-of-year projects created by students from the Management subject at the UIC’s ESARQ School of Architecture. The aim of these projects was to develop proposals for improving the quality of urban spaces in the area around the Sagrada Família. The architect gave a very positive assessment to the students’ work and was particularly impressed with the research and analysis they carried out, which allowed them to develop projects that addressed users’ real needs.

The Management subject is taught during the fifth year of the degree programme by David Lladó and Joan Vinyets and consists of an intensive study of business management. It is based on the practical case-study methodology and enables students to become actively involved and participate in the subject.

The aim of this subject is to provide students with basic knowledge of management, business strategy and organization as applied to the different areas of an architecture studio (e.g. strategy, finance, production, human resources, etc.).

This year, students have been able to put innovative techniques such as citizen participation processes into practice and learn how to approach their projects based on interaction with users and an analysis of their needs.

This new methodology places users at the heart of the design process and makes it possible to generate proposals that can improve users’ interaction with the spaces they inhabit.