
The Virolai Petit nursery school, designed by lecturers Vicenç Sarrablo, Jordi Roviras and Cristina Garcia Castelao, has been published in the latest issue of the journal ON DISEÑO

The project employs the Flexbrick system and has been congratulated for its successful adaptation to the terrain

The Virolai Petit nursery school designed by lecturers from UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Vicenç Sarrablo, Jordi Roviras and Cristina Garcia Castelao —alongside architect Jaume Colom— has been published in issue 393 of the specialist architecture journal ON DISEÑO as part of a dossier dedicated to “Learning centres”. 

Work on this building located on Carrer Escorial in Barcelona finished in 2017 and according to the publication, showcases “a refined exercise in adapting to the terrain and a successful effort to improve the difficulties of the functional programme”. The project incorporates a system of flexible ceramic sheets called Flexbrick, a patent developed by the lecturer Vicenç Sarrablo as part of a research project carried out at UIC Barcelona. 

The journal features the Virolai Petit nursery school project alongside other designs by prestigious architects, such as the Faculty of Radio and Television in Katowice (Poland) by BAAS arquitectura, the Massana School designed by Estudio Carme Pinós, and the new Liceo Francés nursery school in Barcelona, designed by b720 Fermín Vázquez Arquitectos.