
We strengthen our ties with the University of Strathmore

The University Secretary of the Kenyan university, Anthony Kahindi, visited UIC Barcelona on 12 and 13 September.

The visit was aimed at learning more about our respective universities. During the visit, Kahindi was shown the facilities of both campuses and was able to exchange experiences with the heads of various areas and departments at UIC Barcelona. 

He learned about the activity of the Vice-Rectorate for the University Community, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Affairs, and was also able to meet with the Human Resources, Financial Management, Operations Management and Corporate Development Departments. He also visited the Sant Cugat Campus laboratories and the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation.  At the various meetings, it was agreed to continue exchanging good practices and successful experiences with the University of Strathmore.

The University of Strathmore was founded in 1961 and was the first multiracial and multi-religious university in Kenya. In 2016 it achieved first place in Kenya's ICT Innovation Awards County Government Solution. Their business school, Strathmore, is ranked number one business school in Kenya by Eduniversal. The University of Strathmore is a corporate work of Opus Dei.