
Xerox cites UIC Barcelona as a successful example of how to manage wireless printing

The system of wireless printing provided by Xerox, a  multinational IT and printing systems company was implemented in our university in January this year.  After ensuring that the service was functioning optimally, the technological giant has now published a video which highlights the success of this cooperation on their company website. 

After jointly studying the specific needs of PAS (administration and service staff) and PDI (teaching and research staff) and students, the previous printing system did not appear to fully satisfy users, therefore it was decided that it would be changed.

Aware of the issues, the operations service started to search for practical solutions beyond the standard services that are offered on the market. In cooperation with all the interested parties, particularly the School of Architecture (due to the specific needs it had) they decided on the specific requirements of the university.

Based on knowledge of these needs and after publishing a tender in the market of providers, Xerox, the largest printing service provider in the world- and the inventor, amongst other products, of the mouse- was the company that offered the most interesting solution for the university in the end.  After two months of cooperation with the operations service, Xerox set up the wireless printing system which we now have available.

The system is simple in terms of hardware, since there are only 67 printers, divided between the two campuses, and these provide a service to more than 5.000 people.  The key to its success therefore is the fact that the printing requests are channelled, they can be sent from any device that is connected to the internet at any time of the day. This allows people to print without any intermediaries being involved.

This success is not satisfactory for our university community alone, since, once the system was established, Xerox contacted UIC Barcelona and asked for authorisation to use this experience as a promotional tool and an example of good management.  This is why there is now a video about it on their webpage. You can watch it by clicking on this link.