
For yet another year, the Lilly Foundation takes part in the farewell ceremony for Medicine students from the most recent graduating class

On 14 June, the events hall at the Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya hosted a farewell ceremony for recent graduates from the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine. Dr Esther Calbo was the lecturer chosen by the students to represent the teaching body and was accompanied by the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr Albert Balaguer, and vice-dean and director of the degree programme, Dr Marta Elorduy.

Ms Mariana Zanuy, director of Alumni UIC Barcelona, was charged with hosting an emotional event that lent centre stage to the students. Alumnus Clara Álvarez de Toledo dedicated a few words to her by that point fellow colleagues, and gave them a word of advice for this new stage in their life. The floor was then handed to the class delegates, who thanked the lecturers for everything they had learned both academically and personally, and recalled some of the most special moments from the previous six years, which they had compiled into a video. 

After that came the handing out of graduation photos, the class yearbook and other gifts, which included the book A Way of Life by W. Osler, courtesy of the Lilly Foundation, which has worked with the Faculty for the past 4 years.