Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

English Language Teaching I

English Language Teaching I
First semester
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff

By appointment.


This course provides the specific knowledge and skills needed for starting out as a teacher of additional languages (second, third, foreign...) in both a local and a global context. Teaching learning processes in early childhood and primary education are focused on, although reference is also made to other age periods in order for students to gain a broader understanding of the phenomena dealt with. Contents and evaluation systems are designed around the guided practice, observation and analysis of classroom discourse, and the future teachers' capacity for action research will be promoted.

Pre-course requirements

It is recommended that students have a level B2 (CEFRL) in English before the start of the course.


At the end of this course, students should be able to:

1. Access, understand, explain and critique current policy (e.g. curricula, CEFRL) and theoretical positions on the teaching and learning of additional languages.

2. Analyse, develop and put into practice classroom teaching materials that reflect current approaches and 'best practices' from the classroom in the local and global context.

3. Observe and analyse classroom discourse to be able to identify and explain phenomena related with the teaching and learning of additional languages, and propose and participate in quality teaching action. 

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-44 - To understand the basic principles of the sciences of language and communication.
  • CEM-46 - To know the school curriculum for languages and literature.
  • CEM-49 - To foment reading and the critical commentary of texts and to encourage writing.
  • CEM-51 - To manage language learning issues in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • CEM-52 - To express oneself, orally and in writing, in a foreign language.
  • CEM-53 - To develop and evaluate curriculum content through appropriate teaching resources, and to promote the corresponding basic skills in pupils.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-5 - Collaboration with colleagues in the profession: to have the knowledge and skills required to make a professional contribution to the teaching environment in the school, in professional relationships, and to achieve a good school organization.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.
  • CG-03 - To be able to communicate in English at level B1, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

Learning outcomes of the subject

1. To identify the basic concepts of the subject and set it in a study context.
2. To recognize the linguistic, psychological and educational foundations of language teaching.
3. To understand the importance of language in society and its management in schools.
4. To identify the basic linguistic skills.
5. To understand and become familiar with linguistic skills, and relate them to the skills established in the current curriculum.
6. To plan the areas of language and literature based on the skills established in the primary-education curriculum, and to focus on quality.
7. To establish criteria and systems for assessments in the subject.
9. To learn and apply existing teaching resources for the subject in a creative way.
10. To establish specific plans for working in multilingual environments, with an innovative attitude.
16. To be able to express oneself in English at level C1, both orally and in writing.
17. To become familiar with the similarities and differences between the language-acquisition processes involved in learning a native language and learning a foreign language. 
18. To adapt English learning to the needs of pupils in the 6-12 age group.
19. To become familiar with the main English-teaching methodologies and learn how to adapt them to the realities of the foreign-language classroom.
20. To become familiar with the strategies for teaching the four foreign-language skills to primary-level pupils.
30. To integrate information and communication technologies into all areas of language.



  • Teacher talk: classroom discourse analysis
  • Techniques for encouraging interaction in the English classroom
  • Cognitive, linguistic and communicative bases of first and additional language learning.
  • Analysis of main trends in foeign language teaching methodology and their application in the classroom at different levels
  • Design of teaching material
  • Resources

Teaching and learning activities

In person

CEM-44 CEM-46 CEM-51 CEM-52 CEM-53 CET-3 CET-5 CET-7 CG-07 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Presentation methods / lecture
Practical classes
Theory classes
CEM-52 CEM-53 CET-3 CET-5 CET-7 CG-03 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Group study and work
CEM-49 CEM-52 CEM-53 CET-3 CET-7 CG-03 Problem-based learning
Problem-solving exercises
Individual / independent study and work

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Project 1: Application of foreign language theories - 20% (Units 1 and 2)

Project 2: Materials for promoting interaction - 20% (Units 3 and 4)

Exam: Short answers - 50%

Attendance and participation - 10% (Includes being punctual and actively participating in all proposed activities throughout the course. This can bear a 5% positive or negative relevance on the final course mark)

Deduction in points for spelling mistakes. In written works of a maximum of 7 pages, 0.1 points will be deducted for a fault if it is a handwritten work, and 0.3 points if it has been written with a computer. The discount limit is 2 points. In written works of more than 7 pages, 0.1 point will be deducted for a mistake, either by hand or by computer. The same penalty will be taken into account in the final exam.

Bibliography and resources

To be announced.