Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Language Teaching and Literature 1

Language Teaching and Literature 1
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish

Teaching staff


The aim of this subject is for students to develop the necessary skills and acquire basic knowledge to deal with language and literature in the primary education classroom.


  • To know the school curriculum for languages and literature.
  • To be familiar with the learning process of the written language, and its teaching.
  • To manage language learning issues in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • To have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • To have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • To analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-46 - To know the school curriculum for languages and literature.
  • CEM-47 - To speak, read and write correctly and appropriately in the official languages of the corresponding Autonomous Region (in our case, Catalan and Spanish).
  • CEM-48 - To be familiar with the learning process of the written language, and its teaching.
  • CEM-49 - To foment reading and the critical commentary of texts and to encourage writing.
  • CEM-50 - To be aware of the difficulties in learning the official languages for speakers of other languages have.
  • CEM-51 - To manage language learning issues in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • CET-2 - Pedagogical responsibility: to have the knowledge and teaching skills required to create a safe learning environment for both classes and groups, but also for individual students, in order that children can become responsible, independent adults.
  • CET-3 - Expertise in the subject taught and teaching methodologies: to have the required knowledge in the subject taught and to know which teaching methods should be applied to create a good learning environment where students can acquire the cultural baggage they need to live in society. and to do so in an up-to-date, professional and systematic manner.
  • CET-7 - To promote responsibility in terms of professional development: to analyse, reflect on and develop points of view about the profession and teaching skills, to know how to make these clear and how to bring them up to date.
  • CG-02 - To communicate clearly and correctly in the language of instruction (Catalan and Spanish), orally and in writing, in accordance with level C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).
  • CG-04 - To promote and facilitate attention to the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights, in the contexts of learning and social harmony, both in the school and in relation to the surroundings.
  • CG-09 - To be familiar with the elements that make up creativity, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-11 - To be familiar with the elements that make up the quality-based approach, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.


12.  Introduction to Language and Literatura Teaching

14.  Language and school

22.  Learning in multilingual contexts

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Methodologies and learning activities consist of lectures, cooperative learning, independent / team work, and individual attention to students.

CEM-45 CEM-49 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Learning contract
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Theory classes
Individual / independent study and work
Group study and work
CET-3 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Case studies
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Individual / independent study and work
CG-02 CG-04 CG-09 CG-11 Problem-based learning
Cooperative learning
Project-based learning
Learning contract
Case studies
Presentation methods / lecture
Problem-solving exercises
Practical classes
Theory classes
Individual / independent study and work
Group study and work

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The evaluation of this subject is continuous and face-to-face. If a minimum of 80% of classes are not attended, the first exam sitting is failed and the student can only be evaluated in the second sitting. The second sitting consists of an exam.

The evaluation consists of several tasks:



Topic 1. Introduction to the teaching of language and literature

Group presentation (15%)

Recommended reading (15%)


Topic 2. Curriculum. / Topic 3. Language learning in multilingual contexts

Argumentative text in class (20%)


Final exam: 50%



Topic 1. Introduction to language and literature teaching

15% Reflective assessment activity


Topic 2. Curriculum and Topic 3. Language learning in multilingual contexts

25% SA language immersion project.


Final assessment: 40%


Great books seminar: 10%

Participation: 10%


Oral and written assignments must be submitted in Catalan.


Deduction for language mistakes:
In written assignments of up to 7 pages, 0.1 points will be deducted per mistake if the work is handwritten, and 0.3 points if it is typed on a computer.
In written assignments of more than 7 pages, 0.1 points will be deducted per mistake, whether handwritten or typed on a computer.

The maximum deduction is 2 points.

Bibliography and resources

Cassany, D., Luna, M. & Sanz, G. (2005). Ensenyar llengua. Graó.

Figueras, N. (2011). “Avaluar per aprendre, avaluar per motivar”. La mirada experta. Ensenyar i aprendre llengües, p. 27-43.

Generalitat de Catalunya (2022). Decret 175/2022 d'ordenació dels ensenyaments de l'educació bàsica.

Mendoza Fillola, A. & Cantero Serena, F. J. (2003). Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura: aspectos epistemológicos. In Mendoza Fillola, A. (coord.), Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura para Primaria. Pearson Educación, p. 3-31.

Palou, J. (2011). Educar per al plurilingüisme. La mirada experta. Ensenyar i aprendre llengües. p. 14-26.

Serra, J.M. (2002). "Escola, llengua i immigració a Catalunya". In Moreno, J.C. et al. Llengua i immigració: diversitat lingüística i aprenentatge de llengües, Generalitat de Catalunya, p. 79-97.

Sugrañes, C. (2018). Repensar la immersió lingüística a Catalunya des d'una perspectiva plurilingüe. Articles, 78, p. 31-36

Teixidó, M. (2022). L’escola catalana. Avui plurilingüe en una societat multicultural. Perspectiva escolar, 417, p. 28-29.