Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Teaching and Learning the Experimental Sciences 3

Teaching and Learning the Experimental Sciences 3
First semester
Main language of instruction: Spanish

Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English

Teaching staff

Tutoring sessions

On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (11:30 - 12:45) by appointment only


This subject is aimed to the future primary school teachers. It tries to make an approximation and a deepening to the scientific knowledge introduced in primary school and to the most appropriate teaching resources to achieve basic competences in natural sciences.

Pre-course requirements

There aren’t pre-course requirements for the course, as they should have done Experimental Science Teaching and Learning I and II the previous year.


1. Know "what" primary school children in this area must learn, according to the curricular framework (Currículum primària. Decret 175/2022).

2. To know "how" to learn:

  • Reflect on one’s own way of understanding this didactics.
    • To know different ways of understanding science over the years and the didactic consequences of this fact.
    • Familiarize yourself with current trends.
    • Be critical and reflective of the current way of conducting a science class and know how to make proposals for improvement.
    • Work on the specific competencies of the experimental sciences.

3. Achieve the competencies and learning outcomes specified below.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

  • CEM-25 - To understand the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and geology).
  • CEM-26 - To be familiar with the school curriculum for these sciences.
  • CEM-27 - To consider and resolve problems associated with science in daily life.
  • CEM-28 - To value the sciences as a cultural item.
  • CEM-29 - To recognize the mutual influences of science, society and technological development, as well as pertinent citizen behaviour, in attaining a sustainable future.
  • CG-05 - To be familiar with the elements that make up analytical thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-06 - To be familiar with the elements that make up systemic thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-07 - To be familiar with the elements that make up critical thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.
  • CG-08 - To be familiar with the elements that make up reflective thinking, the different levels of proficiency and how to develop this skill as much as possible.

Learning outcomes of the subject

General learning outcomes

  • To become familiar with the experimental-sciences curriculum.
  • To understand the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and the earth sciences).
  • To consider and resolve problems associated with science in modern life.
  • To develop and assess the curriculum contents through the relevant teaching resources, and to promote the acquisition of basic skills among the pupils.
  • To carry out research activities; to look for sources, cite authors and produce thorough conclusions.
  • To become familiar with the different assessment criteria and learn how to apply them in the subject area.
  • To learn the experimental sciences from everyday situations.
  • To design attractive strategies to explain complex issues.
  • To become familiar with the aspects of classroom management that are linked to educational activities.
  • To behave ethically and responsibly when carrying out one’s functions.
  • To integrate information and communication technologies into teaching and learning activities, teaching management and professional development.
  • To be able to communicate and express oneself appropriately in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing.
  • To promote and focus on pupils’ individual educational needs, gender equality, fairness and respect for human rights, in learning and living environments, at school and in relation to the environment.
  • To recognize the influence between science, society and technological development, as well as appropriate citizen behavior, in achieving a sustainable future.

Education for Sustainable Development and Earth Dynamics

  • Know the different layers of the atmosphere and the properties of each of them.
  • Relate weather to climate. Recognizes the different climates of the Earth. Know the different climatic factors and interpret the weather maps.
  • Critically analyzes and evaluates the importance of working to minimize environmental issues such as the increased greenhouse effect caused by climate change, declining ozone layer, desertification, acid rain, and local air pollution.
  • Know the distribution of water on Earth, as well as the differences between freshwater and saltwater. Interpret the water cycle. Acquire reasons and motivations to promote a sustainable use of water.

Physics and Chemistry of Matter

  • Differentiate the different degrees of complexity of matter: from subatomic particles to the Universe.
  • Know the different states of matter and how the change of state occurs.
  • Differentiate materials and plan experiments to check their different properties.
  • Recognizes homogeneous and heterogeneous substances, as well as the different separation techniques of their components.
  • Observe chemical changes in relation to everyday phenomena: combustion, oxidation and fermentation.
  • Analyze the effects of a different force or forces on an object. Knows and interprets Newton's laws.
  • Design activities to work on simple and compound machines in school.
  • Understand phenomena such as electricity and magnetism, as well as the refraction and reflection of light, the transmission of sound and the color of things.
  • Identify the most widely used energy sources in society and the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Analyze the implication of energy consumption in sustainable development.



  1. I.       Education for Sustainable Development and Land Dynamics


1- Education for Sustainable Development: Main environmental problems Ethical solutions to the environmental crisis: International Summits on Sustainable Development. Concept of Sustainable Development. The ecological footprint, an indicator of the degree of sustainability.


2- Hydrosphere: Water distribution in the earth. Water cycle. Currents and waves. Rivers and aquifers. Main environmental problems related to water (pollution of the sea, rivers, aquifers and drought) and its link with social and economic aspects. Consequences and possible solutions in order to mitigate the problems.

3- Atmosphere: Atmosphere layers. Atmospheric weather and climate. Climatic factors. Meteorology. Main atmospheric environments problems  and their link with social and economic aspects (climate change and air pollution); possible solutions in order to mitigate the problems.



  1. II.      Physics and chemistry of matter


4- The Matter: Levels of organization and basic concepts. Basic concepts of physics: mass, volume, density, etc. The states of matter. Mixtures and solutions.        


5- Robotics: Science, society and technological development. Simple and compound machines.


Chapter  1. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
            Documentary HOME documentalhome.docx 
            Documental HOME català documentalhomequestions.docx 

Chapter  2. Hydrosphere
           The water cycle inside a bottle cicledelaigualab.nebot.pdf 
           Experimental lab work of the water 1-aigua_practicaexperimental.docx 
           L’aigua al segle XXI. Una proposta didàctica. Unescocat

Chapter  3. Atmosphere. Climate and Weather
            Declaració de científics. 2017 declaraciodecientifics2017.pdf 
            Declaració de científics. 2017. versió espanyola spanish_version_11-13-17.pdf 
            Informe sobre canvi climàtic. IPCC (2014) canviclimaticipcc2014.pdf 

Chapter  4. Physics and Chemistry of Matter

                 Experimental lab work: Substances classification and separation of mixtures


Teaching and learning activities

In person

This subject has been design to be able to combined theoretical and practical aspects at a time. Learning activities are geared in ways that allow students to acquire knowledge and teaching resources that they will need in their professional life as teachers.

During the course individual and group work will be done simultaneously, as well as lectures, reflexion and practice inside and outside the classroom. The aim is to work the natural sciences curriculum for primary school, focusing on the scientific competences (Environmental Knowledge).

To ensure that knowledge is not just theoretical, in the classroom will be carried on different scenarios, and each student will be also teacher of the other students. Thus, we all can learn knowledge, resources, ideas and reflexion from practice about teaching sciences.

Education activities


Theoretical classes

Documentary forum

Experimental practice classes

Research work in small groups

Individual work and study

Master class (ML)


Project Oriented Learning (PDO) 

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

The final grade for this subject is an average of the activities and projects on the below table. If any of the grades is missing or the student receives a failing grade of below 4.5, all of these grades will not be averaged when calculating the final grade.



% Grade



1. Attendance and Participation


Both individual and group activities. Being on time and paying attention

Daily basis

2. Experimental lab works


Cooperative ad experimental activities in groups

Regular basis

3. Sustainable Transversal workshop


Research project and poster in groups

21 of November

4. Written tests



22 October (topics 1 and 2)

7 January (topics 1,2, 3 and 4)

5. Robotics


Technological research project in groups

24 of October

Table 1. Evaluation criteria

Students who want to do internships in Learning in Service (LS) can get an extra point, which is added to the passed overall grade in the overall grade.

Identifying plagiarism in a work means 0. (0,1 in handwriting works and 0,5 in computer works) 

Bibliography and resources

1. General references

ALBADALEJO, C., i altres (1993). La ciència a l’aula. Activitats.

ALBAREDA TIANA, S (2015). Reconciliarse con el planeta. La sostenibilidad como nuevo paradigma. Eunsa. Pamplona.

CAÑAL P. (Coord); de Pro, Pedrinaci; Pujol; Márquez, del Carmen; Martínez, Aleixandre i  Sanmartí. (2011). Didáctica de la Biología y la Geología. Ministerio de Educación. Graó. Vol II. Primera edició.

CAÑAL P. (Coord); Rivero, Wamba; Giordan; Sendra,  Gil; Vilches; Membiela,  Pedrinaci;  Gil; Fernández,  Hueto; Alfaro; Barberá i  Brusi. (2011). Ministerio de Educación. Graó. Vol I. Primera edició.

CAÑAL P. (Coord); Mellado; Gutiérrez; Jaén; Luna; Hernández; Perales;  Ojeda;  De Pro; Cano. (2011). Biología y Geología. Investigación, innovación y buenas prácticas. Ministerio de Educación. Graó. Vol III. Primera edició.

CURTIS, H.Barnes, Scnek, Massarini. (2008). Biologia. Editorial Médica Panamericana (7ª edición en español). Buenos Aires.

FERNÁNDEZ MANZAL, R. y BRAVO TUDELA, M.  (2015). Las ciencias de la naturaleza en la Educación Infantil. El ensayo, la sorpresa y los experimentos se asoman a las aulas. Ediciones Pirámide.

FRANCISCO PAPA (2015). Laudato si. Sobre el cuidado de la casa común. Carta Encíclica. 24/05/2015. http://w2.vatican.va/content/dam/francesco/pdf/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si_sp.pdf

FRIEDL. A.E. (2000). Enseñar ciencias a los niños. Gedisa. Barcelona.

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. Departament d’Ensenyament (2015): Curriculum Educació Primària. http://www.xtec.cat/web/curriculum/primaria/curriculum

GIORDAN, A. i DE VECCHI, G. (2002). Guía práctica para la enseñanza científica. Diada Editores.

NIEVES, JM. (2006). Hablemos de ciencia. EDAF.

OSBORNE, P.; FREYBERG, R. (1991). El aprendizaje de las ciencias. Implicaciones de la ciencia de los alumnos. Madrid. Narcea.

PERALES FJ. Y CAÑAL P. (coord.) (2000). Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales: teoría y práctica de la enseñan.


2. Scientific journals on learning experimental science

Enseñanza de las Ciencias (Institut de Ciències de l’Educació (UAB)

Aula de Innovación Educativa (Editorial Graó)

Alambique (Didàctica de les Ciències Experimentals, Editorial Graó)