Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Tools for Managing Culture

Tools for Managing Culture
First term
Main language of instruction: English

Teaching staff


In the 21st century it is impossible to think of Culture and Management as two separate spheres.

As cultural managers, we are mostly managing “cultural companies and/or products” in an open market, open to an unlimited set of audiences, consumers and stakeholders. In addition to appreciating cultural products, we need to understand the dynamics that affect the behavior of  such “companies and products” in the market.

A good point to start is to acquire a global theoretical framework followed by practical tools used in management. Throughout the course, the students get accustomed to the most relevant concepts and vocabulary: Organizational structure, decision-making, management functions, assets and liabilities, revenues and expenses, balance sheets and cash flows, present and future values, opportunity costs, etc. These will be some of your tools and companions along the road to realize your future aspiration as cultural manager. 

Pre-course requirements

A passion for art and culture, and a desire to understand how they can be managed in a professional context.


Some financial background can help, and the same applies to art and cultural studies. However, the course is designed for students from all backgrounds.


  • To provide the students with a theoretical framework.
  • To complement the theory with practical orientation for applying the theory.
  • To understand the management process as well as the managerial functions and methods.
  • To understand the different forms of business and non-profit organizations.
  • To understand the different financial statements.
  • To understand the financial peculiarities of cultural companies and investments.
  • To understand the time value of money and the opportunity cost concept.
  • To understand the cost behavior for a company over time.
  • To acquire exposure to practical case studies from different parts of the world.

Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme

Basic Competences

  • To know how to apply the knowledge acquired and the ability to resolve problems in new or little known environments within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to the area of study.
  • To incorporate knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgements based on information which, being incomplete of limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.

General Competences

  • To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution, a company, or a programme, project or cultural service.
  • To demonstrate an ability to be open and flexible in attending to cultural and social diversity in the environment.

Cross-Disciplinary Competences

  • To design, direct, produce and evaluate projects, programmes, strategies, policies or cultural actions which involve a wide variety of different professional profiles, agents and institutions.
  • To identify and use the main tools and economic management methods that are applicable in the various cultural organisations, depending on their mission (public, non-profit or for-profit).
  • CB6 - To have and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity for the student to develop and/or apply original ideas, often in the context of research.
  • CB8 - Students should be able to integrate their knowledge and cope with the complexity of issuing judgements based on information that, though incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  • CE1 - To identify and use the main economic management tools and methods that may be applied in the various types of cultural organisations, differentiated according to mission (public, non-profit or for-profit).
  • CG1 - To analyse and interpret social and cultural environments to identify needs, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths.
  • CG2 - To lead, coordinate and form part of interdisciplinary work teams.
  • CG3 - To search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution or company, or a cultural programme, project or service.
  • CG4 - To know how to communicate, encourage and mediate between the various agents involved in a cultural project, programme or service.
  • CG5 - To act responsibly and produce high-quality, rigorous and efficient work that benefits society.
  • CG6 - To demonstrate an ability to be open and flexible with regards to cultural and social diversity.
  • CT1 - To design, direct, produce and assess cultural projects, programmes, strategies, policies or actions that involve a number of different numerous professional profiles, agents and institutions.

Learning outcomes of the subject

  • Apply the knowledge acquired and the ability to resolve problems in new or little known environments within broader or multidisciplinary contexts related to the area of study.
  • Incorporate knowledge and deal with the complexity of formulating judgements based on information which, being incomplete of limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgements.
  • Search for and/or administer economic resources within the framework of an institution, a company, or a programme, project or cultural service.
  • Show flexiblity in attending to cultural and social diversity in the environment.
  • Design, direct, produce and evaluate projects, programmes, strategies, policies or cultural actions which involve a wide variety of different professional profiles, agents and institutions.
  • Identify and use the main tools and economic management methods that are applicable in the various cultural organisations, depending on their mission (public, non-profit or for-profit).


First Block: Organizational Tools
1- Introduction to Management 
Management models, skills and functions, formal and informal organization, etc. 
2- Forms of Business and Non-Profit Organizations
Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations; concepts of efficiency and effectiveness, etc.
3- Business Environment Analysis
Macro and Micro Environment; sector, industry and competition; etc.
4- The Cultural Sector
Cultural industries, peculiarities, etc.

Second Block: Financial Tools
5- Cost Components
Types of costs for a project/company, opportunity cost, etc.
6- Break-Even Analysis
Contribution margin, break-even point, operational risk, etc.
7- Investments
Investment evaluation, time value of money, etc.
8- Evaluation of Projects
Capacity utilization, pricing, special price regimes, activity lines, etc.
9- Decisions with uncertainty
Evaluation of action plans, elements of a decision, type of information, etc.

Third Block: Human Resources Tools
10- Human Resource Management
Organizational structure, HR policies, functions, etc.
11- Work Flow
Systems and methods to analyze work.
12- Personnel
Structure, selection, productivity, benchmarks, evaluation, promotion, etc.
13- Salary and Compensation
Salary policy, fringe benefits, guiding principles and concepts, etc.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

 The general methodology of the course is a combination of conceptual presentations from lecturers and experts in the field accompanied by core reading assignments on specific areas to complement the concepts discussed in class. 

Students will be set mini-assignments to collect and share case studies from their own countries. Enriching debate in class with international examples to illustrate the issues.  

The course has a coordinator who teaches many of the sessions, but is complemented by additional specialists in different topics and practical sessions.


Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

Class Participation          20%

Presentations in Class     30%

Final Exam                     50%

Bibliography and resources

Making Money, Making Meaning: Directions for the Arts and Cultural Industries in the Creative Age. Lisa Andersen and Kate Oakley. Cambridge Scholars Publishing; new edition (January 12, 2008)
The Economics of Arts and Culture. James Heilbrun and Charles M. Gray. Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (April 23, 2001)
Management and the Arts. William J Byrnes. Focal Press; 4 edition (October 13, 2008)
Managing a Non-Profit Organization in the Twenty-First Century. Thomas Wolf. Fireside / Simon & Schuster; Revised & Updated edition (June 15, 1999)
Art Management: Entrepreneurial Style. Giep Hagoort. Eburon Publishers, Delft; 1 edition (February 15, 2004)
Principles of Accounting. Needles / Powers / Crosson. South-Western College Pub; 10 edition (January 12, 2007)
Essentials of Managerial Finance. Weston / Besley / Brigham. South-Western College Pub; 14 edition (May 24, 2007)
Creative Industries: Contracts between Art and Commerce. Richard E. Caves. Harvard University Press (June 30, 2000)
Management and Creativity: From Creative Industries to Creative Management. Chris Bilton. Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (September 18, 2006)
Managing Creative People: Lessons in Leadership for the Ideas Economy. Gordon Torr. Wiley (June 3, 2008)
The Cultural Industries. David Hesmondhalgh. Sage Publications Ltd; 2nd edition (April 13, 2007)
Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis. Vogel Harold L. Cambridge University Press; 7 edition (April 23, 2007)
Managing Cultural Assets from a Business Perspective. Laura Price and Abby Smith. Commission on Preservation & (July 2000)

Teaching and learning material