Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Clinical Residency
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
Dra. Sandra Saez / Dr.Fran Guinot
Pre-course requirements
Overcoming preclininicas practices carried out in the laboratory.
The student must be able to maintain its current continuing education . Learn adapt their clinical practice and clinical team to progress and changes that occur throughout his professional life , which can be autonomous and self-directed .
Learning outcomes of the subject
The student communicates with patients and their families to explain scientific criteria but accessible language , diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis in relation to scientific evidence. This " dentist / patient / family " relationship allows the latter to establish the best treatment plan and a reliable prognosis as possible.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Clinical practice monitored by a professor. Clinical seminars .
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Continuous assessment throughout the course .
Bibliography and resources
1. J.R. Boj, M. Català, C. García Ballesta, A. Mendoza y P. Planells. Odontopediatría. La evolución del niño al adulto joven. 1ª Edición (Madrid); Ripano S.A., 2011.
2. MC.DONALD R.,AVERY D., Odontología Pediátrica y del Adolescente. Ed. Mosby/Doyma Libros, 1995.
3. BARBERIA, E.; BOJ, J.R.; CATALA, M.; GARCIA, M.; MENDOZA, A. , Odontopediatría,
Ed. Masson. Barcelona, 1995.
4. PINKHAM, J.R., Odontología pediátrica, Ed. Interamericana,1996.
5. SNAWDER, K.D., Manual de odontopediatría clínica,Ed. Labor. Barcelona, 1995.
6. ANDREASEN, J.O. ,Lesiones dentarias traumáticas., Ed. Panamericana. Madrid, 1990.