Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Controlling Symptoms and Crisis Situations
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
This subject deals with the approach to the most common physical and emotional symptoms, integrating a multidisciplinary and multidimensional vision.
Pre-course requirements
It is advisable to have taken the core subjects of the Master's Degree.
● To provide students with the necessary knowledge to develop skills and attitudes to manage pain in an excellent way through a multidimensional approach.
● To explain and indicate the main interventional techniques in the control of pain and its complications as well as the main physical symptoms by applying pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
● Focus on prevention, education and care planning in crisis and emergency situations for patients with advanced disease and their families.
● Facilitate the acquisition of sufficient skills in the handling and care of devices for the administration of medicines, drains and other devices commonly used in PC.
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01 - Acquire advanced and specific knowledge in symptom control (physical and emotional) and in communication and patient and family care.
- CP01 - Work in a self-directed or autonomous manner in PC teams, formed by peers, specialists or not, and other professionals, respecting the fundamental rights of equality between men and women, the promotion of human rights and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values; using language that avoids androcentrism and stereotypes.
- CP02 - Apply the principles of intellectual honesty and scientific integrity in the professional field of PCs.
- CP03 - Independently carry out tasks in the area of PC according to the protocols established for this purpose.
- CP04 - Manage care practice by adapting it and prioritising the personalisation of care in complex and changing healthcare environments.
- CP05 - Work individually and in teams, assuming responsibilities, within the area of PC.
- CP09 - pply solutions to problems that may arise when carrying out tasks in the field of PCs.
- HB01 - Make a critical reflection on the theory and its applications in the care of the patient at the end of life
- HB03 - Integrate multidimensional care to the problems of patients in advanced illness.
- HB04 - Analyse complex problems in the care area with a multidimensional vision in order to solve them in a tactical and strategic manner.
- HB05 - Demonstrate capacity for interdisciplinary collaborative teamwork in palliative care.
Learning outcomes of the subject
At the end of the course, students will be able to:
4.1 Identify the indications and contraindications of the techniques and tools necessary for the management of the most prevalent symptoms and for the prevention and treatment of crisis situations in palliative care with a holistic view of the needs of the patient and their family.
4.2 Incorporate advanced knowledge of the physiopathology, neuroanatomy, assessment and design of a comprehensive therapeutic plan for the treatment of cancer pain.
4.3 Demonstrate the ability to draw up a therapeutic plan with the aim of treating complex pain situations, incorporating a multidimensional vision in their approach.
4.4. Indicate the most common devices for symptom control, describing their characteristics and applications, as well as the follow-up of the patient treated with them.
4.5. Describe the indications and contraindications of the techniques and tools necessary for the management of complex situations in palliative care.
General symptom management.
General symptoms.
Digestive symptoms.
Respiratory symptoms
Neurological symptoms
Orphan symptoms.
Symptoms resulting from anti-tumour treatment.
Crisis management in an advanced situation.
Palliative sedation in the treatment of refractory symptoms.
Specific crises in cancer patients.
Teaching and learning activities
Asynchronous lectures
Delivery of written tests in the form of reports; reflective or analytical work: These tests assess the student's ability to understand the main ideas of the content taught, their ability to understand specific bibliography and literature and the content taught on specific concepts of the different subjects.
Delivery of the case resolution (written or video) where the student will explain how to solve the case. Evaluates the student's ability to apply the theoretical content learned to a real or simulated situation in the practice of the clinical profession.
Analysis of texts, tests and questionnaires.
Participation in discussion forums and wikis: the degree of active participation of students in their own learning is assessed.
Synchronous activities: in the case of students from different time zones, the time will be agreed in advance so that they can adapt. In any case, no student will be allowed to participate after 10 p.m. in their own time zone.
Evaluation systems and criteria
This master's degree is based on continuous assessment.
Continuous assessment activities: participation in individual and group tutorials of at least 50% (minimum) will be required to guarantee synchronous participation with the teaching staff in asynchronous activities.
They will be assessed through continuous assessment with both asynchronous (70%) and synchronous (30%) activities.
Bibliography and resources
Manual de Control de Síntomas en Pacientes con Cáncer. 4a edición. Editores: Joaquim Julià-Torras y Gala Serrano Bermúdez. Ediciones Aran. 2019.
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. 5th edition. Editors: Nathan Cherny, Marie Fallon, Stein Kaasa, Russell K. Portenoy, David C. Currow. 2015.
ASCO guidelines. https://society.asco.org/practice-patients/guideline
ESMO guidelines. https://www.esmo.org/guidelines