Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Case Method Dentofacial Orthopaedics II
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
Anaïs Ninou
It is important to achieve a relationship of trust and collaboration with the teacher, a favourable attitude and ability to work in teams. Acquire a professional ethics and appropriate treatment for the practice of this specialty.
It is widely accepted that oral health influences the general health of the population; not only at the level of oral health but also at the respiratory, functional, postural and speech therapy levels.
So it is important that there are trained dentists to prevent, diagnose and solve the various oral problems most common in the pediatric population.
• Train the student to diagnose dental problems and assess when to treat them.
• Make correct diagnostic records.
• Dental photography, the best diagnostic method to incorporate into the clinic.
• Training and experience in many early treatment philosophies.
• Know the technical skills for the realization of treatments.
Intended for first visit and medical history. Facial analysis, intraoral and functional examination, radiographic records, intermaxillary and models for assembly in articulator. Intraoral and extraoral dental photographic protocol and orthodontic template. Cephalometric diagnosis and clinical case analysis. Integration and update of the Minimum Intervention protocols in Orthodontics.
- Facial Diagnosis (macroaesthetic, microaesthetic, mini-aesthetic, extraoral photographs). Practical program: Photographic protocol, presentation of a clinical case per couple.
- Cephalometric diagnosis (telerx anatomy, Steiner anatomical points, Steiner planes, Complete analysis of Steiner, Ricketts and Jarabak). Practical programme: Cephalogram plots.
- Occlusal diagnosis (model analysis): Moyers DOD, occlusogram, Wala Ridge. Practical programme: Measurement of DOD, occlusogram and Wala models.
- Growth. (vertebra x-rays, MP3 x-rays, growth states and growth-based treatment timming).
- Alterations of the rash (anatomy of OPG, regions, pathology common in OPG, alteration of the rash according to age, DAPs).
Treatment of non-skeletal problems: (crossbite, habits, space problems, crowding primary and its clinical approach, presentation of other techniques and expansive apparatus).
Space management: analysis and strategies that seek to maintain or recover the lost space.
Concepts: Treatment approaches for Class III.
• Disjunction and Facial Mask, analysis of the various existing clinical protocols.
• Communication between the clinic and laboratory on design and manufacture of appliances and troubleshooting.
- Facial growth and development, eruptive sequence.
- Clinical approaches and therapeutic options for Class II treatment.
- Functional apparatus, assembly and clinical sequence follow up: Klammt, Twin-block, Bionator, Sanders.
- Extra-oral anchoring.
- Practical programme: Design of equipment, activations of equipment, taking of records in constructive bite.
- Open bite: An analysis and explanation of the clinical approach and criteria in the treatment of open bite will be made. Long-face pattern diagnosis.
- Sucking habits as aetiology of previous open bite. How to focus this type of malocclusion in the mouth respirator? Distinguish open dentoalveolar bite from skeletal.
- Multidisciplinary treatments: in more complex cases of ectopic rash, guided rash, or orthodontic treatment in cases of patients suffering from structural defects (including MIH).
- Overbite, short-face syndrome, appliance design and treatment.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Presentations of theoretical subjects by teachers.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
Evaluation systems and criteria
Fully face-to-face classroom
To pass the subject it will be necessary and essential to pass each of the 4 different assessments that make up the whole subject. Each of them will be approved on a score of 5 out of 10. Once each of them is approved, they will be passed to obtain the resulting final grade. In the event that one of the parties does not pass, it will be necessary to recover this part to mediate with the other three and to be able to overcome the subject.
1.-Final theoretical examination: will account for 35% of the final grade of the subject
The theoretical exam will consist of 50 test questions with 5 possible answers and only one correct. Each hit will add 1 point, while each misanswered question will be subtracted 0.20 points. Unanswered questions will not penalize. 25 points or more will give the final theoretical examination pass and make it possible to mediate with the other three parties.
For a better understanding of the master classes, 2 scientific articles related to each one of the classes will be provided to the student via moodle. The content of these articles will also form part of the subject’s theoretical content, and thus part of the theoretical examination.
2.- Clinical practice evaluation CUO: will account for 35% of the final grade of the subject
The CUO clinical practices consist of the development of a clinical treatment plan on patients, previously elaborated and agreed with the responsible professors during the days of clinical seminar. Orthopedic cases will be treated on the Fridays previously stipulated in the academic calendar.
To overcome this paragraph, it is mandatory to attend all the prescribed days of clinical practice at the CUO and to treat cases previously agreed upon with the responsible professors. In case of non-presence, it must be adequately justified so as not to penalize negatively in this section of the annex.
3.- Practical evaluation in clinical sessions: 20% of the final grade of the subject
The practice of clinical sessions will consist in carrying out a diagnosis and planning a treatment plan for cases previously assigned by teachers. During these sessions the student will present and defend the diagnostic and treatment plan developed for his patient. The outcome of this will be discussed and agreed with the other students and teachers responsible in the days of clinical session. The cases to be presented in the orthopaedic clinic sessions will be performed on the days previously stipulated in the academic calendar.
Attendance on the days of clinical session , whether or not the case is presented, is mandatory, since interaction and participation in the cases will be important for obtaining the note for this section. The absence from clinical sessions should be adequately justified, so as not to penalize in the note of this paragraph.
4.- Practical evaluation in preclinical sessions: 10% of the final grade of the subject
The practices of the pre-clinical sessions will consist of laboratory practices, where wire bending and device making on models will be done.
Your attendance is mandatory and will be important for the score for this section. The absence from the preclinical sessions should be adequately justified, so as not to penalize in the note of this section.
The pre-clinical orthopedic practices will be carried out on the days previously stipulated in the academic calendar.