Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Paediatric Dentistry Research II
Other languages of instruction: Catalan, English
Teaching staff
This subject aims to integrate research into the learning of pediatric dentistry and give it the importance it deserves.
In this subject, scientific literature (format and content) and other types of documentation, bibliographic references, Vancouver standards, the impact factor of scientific journals, obtaining documents (bibliographic resources of the university) and the bibliographic databases.
The Graduate will be able to:
- Understand scientific publications with a critical spirit and knowing how to recognize their parts.
-Develop appropriate search questions, using the main sources of information
bibliography to access scientific knowledge.
-Learn to retrieve scientific information efficiently using a computer program
for the management of bibliographic references.
- Present a research, clinical or laboratory protocol.
- Use the testing equipment of a materials and biomedicine research laboratory.
-Write a scientific article in order to be published in a journal indexed by the JCR.
-Make different participations in national and international conferences.
-Write and present a research paper, presenting its results in a scientific manner
and rigorous.
Pre-course requirements
Have passed Research in Pediatric Dentistry I
Admission of new students to the Master's Degree
University in Comprehensive and Hospital Pediatric Dentistry from the International University of Catalonia
It is governed by its own selection process that includes passing specific tests.
admission and the delivery of explicit documentation, always taking into account what is established in
article 18 of Royal Decree 822/2021.
All candidates who meet the general pathways and requirements may apply for access.
access to the title and who are in possession of a Bachelor's degree in Dentistry or
In addition, a B2 level of English from the Common European Framework of Reference is recommended for
Languages or equivalent that will be verified during the interview with the candidate.
Admission criteria: The admission tests consist of a weighted assessment of the
academic record, personal profile and the motivations and aptitudes that the following will have
Weighting Criterion Aspects to evaluate
40% - 60% Personal interview
Assessment of personal profile, vocation, character
responsible, empathy, interest in
research, teamwork skills,
English level, etc.
20% - 30% Academic record Knowledge assessment
20% - 30% Curriculum vitae Assessment of personal activity and/or experience
The personal interview will be carried out with the director and coordinators of the Master.)
CN01: Recognize advanced topics related to pediatric dentistry
- CN02: Define in a detailed and informed way the theoretical and practical aspects of the
methodology and work in one or more fields of study of pediatric dentistry.
- CN03: Identify the different scientific methodologies acquired related to
Pediatric dentistry.
HB06: Integrate the latest research advances in the scientific community
pediatric dentistry.
CP01: Resolve the main oral problems that affect the child population.
CP02: Correctly perform the different treatments in daily clinical practice within
in the field of pediatric dentistry.
- CP03: Integrate into the pediatric dental scientific community by actively participating in the
publication of scientific articles, attendance at courses and national conferences and
Competences/Learning outcomes of the degree programme
- CN01 - CN01: Recognize advanced topics related to pediatric dentistry
- CN02 - CN02: Define in a detailed and informed way the theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology and work in one or more fields of study of pediatric dentistry.
Learning outcomes of the subject
- - Scientific Evidence in Current Literature and Research - Knowledge - CN01, CN02, CN03 Skills - HB06 Competencies - CP01, CP02, CP03 - Understand scientific publications critically and know how to recognize their parts. -Develop appropriate search questions, using the main sources of bibliographic information to access scientific knowledge. -Learn to retrieve scientific information efficiently using a computer program for managing bibliographic references. -Present a research, clinical or laboratory protocol. -Use the testing equipment of a materials and biomedicine research laboratory. -Write a scientific article to be published in a journal indexed by the JCR. -Participate in various national and international conferences. -Write and present a research paper, presenting its results in a scientific and rigorous manner.
- Understand scientific publications with a critical spirit and knowing how to recognize their parts.
-Develop appropriate search questions, using the main sources of information
bibliography to access scientific knowledge.
-Learn to retrieve scientific information efficiently using a computer program
for the management of bibliographic references.
- Present a research, clinical or laboratory protocol.
- Use the testing equipment of a materials and biomedicine research laboratory.
-Write a scientific article in order to be published in a journal indexed by the JCR.
-Make different participations in national and international conferences.
-Write and present a research work, presenting its results in a scientific manner
and rigorous.
Teaching and learning activities
In person
Research work (TI): through autonomous work, students investigate a topic
specific. The results of said investigation will be presented in writing and orally. It is favored
the achievement of the learning results proposed in the TFM.
Tutorials (TUT): this is a personalized and individualized follow-up for the student in which
monitors and advises your work. The result of this activity is the final work of
Autonomous work (TA): Activity to assimilate and internalize knowledge through the development of
comprehensive and reflective study habits; will be carried out through readings, research,
works, search for scientific information, obtaining and analyzing data.
Seminars or conferences (SEM): are training activities in which students participate
actively in cognitive processes. Participation is promoted through debates,
presentation of real clinical cases and subsequent discussion. Part of these activities are the
inverted classes, the case method, among others. The purpose of these activities is to learn,
interpret, resolve doubts, reflect and contrast opinions.
Individual and/or group work (TIG): through study, search for information,
data processing and the internalization of knowledge will allow students to consolidate
their learning.
Evaluation systems and criteria
In person
1 Continuous evaluation (CE)
Continuous evaluation (CE): Assesses and evaluates the learning process of the students from the
continuous monitoring of the work carried out, through the delivery of reports, oral presentations,
carrying out tests, etc., in the different methodologies of the Master. Allows you to have knowledge of
the evolution of the students, to offer feedback, mainly evaluating the acquisition of the
Skill type learning outcomes
minimum 40%
maximum 60%
2 Theory exam (ET)
Theory exam (ET): Written exam with multiple response questions and/or short questions. In
special circumstances, and prior approval by the teaching staff and academic secretary, the
Students may request an oral exam, before a panel of two or more members of the teaching staff.
minimum 20%
maximum 50%
3 Oral Presentations (OP)
Oral presentation (PO): individualized presentation that has previously been done on the work
carried out in relation to current scientific literature
minimum 30%
maximum 50%
4 Final work (TF)
Final work (TF): Presentation of a final written work, in which the
knowledge acquired in a subject or in a research project.
minimum 40%
maximum 60%
Bibliography and resources
International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry
Auropean Archives of pediatric Dentistry
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry