Universitat Internacional de Catalunya

Foundations and Procedures for Intervention in Physiotherapy

Foundations and Procedures for Intervention in Physiotherapy
First semester
Main language of instruction: Catalan

Other languages of instruction: English, Spanish,

Teaching staff

Professor titular: Dr. Martín E. Barra López: mbarra@uic.es

Sr. Xavier Oliver Csanova xoliver@uic.es

Dra. Laura Pacheco Arajol: lpacheco@uic.es

Sra. Ivet Farrios Arimont: ivetfarriols@uic.es


This course aims to situate and guide the student in relation to the conceptual bases of Physiotherapy with scientific and professional discipline within the health sciences. The course represents the theoretical conceptual framework to guide students in the process of developing more specific skills that will be acquired throughout their studies on more specific subjects in Physiotherapy in the undergraduate degree.

Theoretical contents:

The development of content and learning activities undertaken through the course of the subject will contribute to the knowledge of the historical evolution of Physiotherapy in the academic and professional aspect of the student. Likewise, the course will provide knowledge with theoretical bases related to the Physiotherapy profession such as professional skills and fields of professional intervention, knowledge of the care process in Physiotherapy relating to diagnosis in Physiotherapy, and elaboration of the medical history in Physiotherapy.

Likewise, the subject  is intended that students acquire knowledge related to a series of tools that will allow you to establish a good basis in order to understand and practice physiotherapy.

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Bearing in mind the role of the physiotherapist in the health care setting, it is essential that students have first practical contact from the beginning of their training. This seminar provides students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to the development of technical and manual skills, which will be the basis for further development of other, more specific studies that students will acquire throughout the course of their degree.

Pre-course requirements

No prerequisites have been determined for this subject.


This course has the following objectives:

Theoretical content:

  •  Know the history of physiotherapy as an academic and professional discipline.
  •  Know the professional skills of the physiotherapist and the fields of professional performance.
  •  Know the process of care in Physiotherapy.
  •  Know the diagnostic process in Physiotherapy and the internationally validated elements of assessment.
  •  Know the structure of clinical history in Physiotherapy as well as the legal constraints when handling confidential patient/user data.
  • Know how to prepare a Physiotherapeutic clinical report.
  • Know some of the tools available with which they will be able to apply to their profession.

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for basic maneuvers to perform massage therapy in different anatomical areas.

Correctly apply appropriate maneuvers depending on the pathology in question.

Learning outcomes of the subject

El alumnado será capaz de:

1. Aplicar correctamente las diferentes técnicas de masoterapia en el aparato locomotor.

2. Identificar los fundamentos teóricos y las bases fisiológicas que justifican los efectos

terapéuticos de los diferentes procedimientos de fisioterapia.

3. Aplicar los procedimientos terapéuticos relacionados con los diferentes agentes físicos

utilizados por la fisioterapia adaptada a la evidencia científica actual.

4. Diseñar procedimientos y objetivos de intervención, relacionados con los procedimientos

descritos, en base a la presentación de casos clínicos.

5. Identificar la importancia de la confidencialidad en el manejo de los datos de la historia clínica

en relación con los aspectos éticos y deontológicos.

6. Priorizar la adhesión del paciente a la intervención terapéutica y su participación en la

elaboración de los objetivos y proceso de recuperación.

7. Demostrar iniciativa y motivación por conocer la utilidad y la evidencia científica en relación

con los test y las valoraciones funcionales empleadas en Fisioterapia.


Bloque 1.

  • Bases conceptuales y el proceso de atención de la Fisioterapia.
  • Dimensión profesional y científica de la Fisioterapia.
  • Teoría general del funcionamiento, la discapacidad y la salud.
  • Clasificaciones internacionales: CIE (Clasificación Internacional de la Enfermedad) y la CIF (Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud)
  • Funciones del Fisioterapeuta: competencias profesionales.
  • Organización institucional de la Fisioterapia.

Bloque 2.

  • Bases teóricas de la masoterapia, efectos fisiológicos y terapéuticos. Aplicación práctica de las distintas maniobras de masoterapia en el aparato locomotor.
  • Bases teóricas y aplicaciones de los diferentes agentes físicos: presoterapia, magnetoterapia, vibroterapia, laserterapia y biofeedback.
  • Bases teóricas de la electroterapia, clasificación de las corrientes eléctricas empleadas en Fisioterapia.
  • Bases teóricas de la hidroterapia, la hidrocinesiterapia, y diferentes usos y aplicaciones durante el proceso terapéutico.
  • Bases fisiológicas y efectos terapéuticos de la termoterapia y crioterapia.

Teaching and learning activities

In person

Theoretical classes:

Master lectures or presentation methods will be used to complete the theoretical contents and will be reinforced with Case Methods and problem solving exercises. Students will use the independent study and assessment room, which is where they will present their discussions and outcomes of different cases.

Finally, an independent study of the student's learning process will be considered so that students acquire the skills developed in the subject.

Theoretical and practical seminar:

Through problem-solving exercises and problem-based learning, students will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to execute the various massage therapy maneuvers correctly when applying the aforementioned Physiotherapy tools.

Evaluation systems and criteria

In person

In order to pass the theoretical part of the subject, there will be a final written test.

The grade for this part will account for 80% of the final grade for the subject

In ordedr to pass the theoretical/practical part of the subject, an activity will be carried out via video.

The grade for this part will account for 20% of the final grade of the subject


General criteria.

In order to obtain the average grade, the theoretical and practical parts must be passed independently, with a 5 for each block.

In the 2nd call the failed student will take the exam of the failed part (theoretical or practical), must be passed with a 5.

In case of failing the second exam, the grade will not be kept and the student will have to take the whole course again.


Attendance regulations in relation to the theoretical/practical seminar

The subjects in the Physiotherapy Degree present theoretical and practical content in which the main objective is the acquisition and development of procedures and technical skills that are directly related to the implementation of the skills in the profession. These classes are structured in small groups where there is direct and continuous supervision by the teacher. Therefore, attendance to seminars is considered essential and necessary to ensure the acquisition of these skills. 

Based on what has been presented above, absences will only be excused to those who have missed class due to major causes and if they represent more than the 30% of the training work, the student will be force to take the examination in the secod call. The consequences derived from non-compliance with this regulation can have very negative effects directly related to the registration process (overlapping and / or academic incompatibilities), as well as the corresponding expectations in the completion of the Degree.

Bibliography and resources

Basic Bibliography (may be consulted in the Library of the Faculty)

  • Gallego T.Bases Teóricas y Fundamentos de Fisioterapia. Ed Panamericana.Madrid.2007
  • Enciclopedia Médico-Quirúrgica.Kinesiterapia y Medicina Física (Tomo 1)
  • Clasificación Internacional de las  deficiencias,discapacidades y minusvalías: E-26-006-B-10
  • Gestión de la Calidad y Evaluación en Kinesiterapia: E-26-006-C-10
  • Clasificación de  Minusvalias: E-26-006-A-10
  • Hª de la  Rehabilitación: E-26-005-A-10
  • Clay Pounds. Masoterapia clínica básica. Madrid. McGraw- Hill. 2004. 
  • De Doménico, C. Wood. Masaje. Técnica de Beard. Madrid. Ed.Harcourt Brace. 4ª Edic. 1998
  • Fritz,S.;Fundamentos del masaje terapéutico. Madrid. Ed. Elsevier. 3ª Edic. 2005.
  • Torres,M., Salvat,I. Guía de Masoterapia para Fisioterapeutas. Madrid. Ed. Panamericana. 2006
  • Dufuor,M. Masaje. Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.
  • Gallou,J.J.; Grinspan,F. Masaje reflejo y otros métodos de terapia manual refleja. Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.
  • Kemoun,G.;Durlent, V.;Vezirian,T.;Talman,C. Hidrokinesiterapia.Ed. Panamericana. Madrid. Enciclopedia MQK y MF. 2007.
  • Viñas, F. Hidroterapia, la curación por el agua. Barcelona. Ed. Integral. 4ª Edic. 1994.
  • Lloret,M. i altres. Natación terapéutica. Madrid. Ed. Paidotribo.1ª edic. 
  • Huey,L.;Forster,R. Manual completo de ejercicios hidrodinámicos. Barcelona. Ed. Paidotribo. 1ª Edic. 2003.
  • Cameron, M. Physical Agents in Rehabilitation. Editorial Saunders: Estados Unidos, 2008.
  • Martínez Morillo, M. Manual de Medicina Física. Editorial Hacourt Brace: España, 1998.
  • Plaja, J. Analgesia por Medios Físicos. Editorial McGraw-Hill: España, 2002.
  • Rodríguez, J. Electroterapia en Fisioterapia. Editorial Médica Panamericana: España, 2013.
  • Knight,K.L. Crioterapia. Rehabilitación de las lesiones de la práctica deportiva. Barcelona. Ed. Bellaterra. 1996.
  • Behrens, B.- Beinert, H.Physical Agents. Theory and Practice.Edición  3ª. Ed. F.A. Davis.2014.
  • Cameron, M.Physical Agents in Rehabilitation. An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice.Ed.Elsevier.2017.
  • Crépon, F.Electrotherapie Et Physiotherapie. Applications en Reeducation Et Readaptation .Edición 1ª .Editorial Elsevier.2012.
  • Watson, T.Electrotherapy. Evidence-Based Practice.Edición 12ª. Editorial Churchill Livingstone. 2008.
  • Huter-Becker, A. - Schewe, H. - Heipertz, W.Terapia Fisica. Termoterapia, Mecanoterapia, Electroterapia, Ultrasonidos, Fototerapia. Edición 1ª. Editorial Paidotribo.2005.
  • Aramburu, C. - Muñoz, E. - Igual, C.Electroterapia, Termoterapia e Hidroterapia (Fisioterapia) Edición 1ª. Editorial Sintesis.1998.
  • Prentice, W.Therapeutic  Modalities for Physical Therapists. Edición 2ª. Editorial Mc Graw-Hill. 2002.


Evaluation period

E: exam date | R: revision date | 1: first session | 2: second session:
  • E1 21/01/2025 I1 08:00h
  • E1 21/01/2025 A16 08:00h
  • E1 21/01/2025 G1 08:00h
  • E2 25/06/2025 I1 08:00h
  • E2 25/06/2025 G6 09:00h

Teaching and learning material