Offering an education that is competitive on an international level
Increasing and enhancing international mobility among students (IN and OUT) as well as mobility programmes at the University
Increasing the international employability of UIC Barcelona students
Encouraging collaboration with lecturers from outside Spain
Introducing specific programmes for foreigners (study abroad, Mediterranean studies, summer courses, etc.)
Extending the course options available in English for both bachelor's degrees and postgraduate studies
Increasing exchanges with students in foreign universities and making it easier to access mobility programmes
Increasing international student satisfaction
Choosing high-quality mobility programmes in the target countries for each faculty
Offering new international programmes (inter-university, Erasmus Mundus, dual degrees, charitable activities abroad, etc.)
Drawing up internal regulations for mobility and ensuring the institution has a mobility coordinator
Establishing curricular and extracurricular agreements with companies outside Spain
Searching for and analysing job opportunities in target countries regarding employability
An international focus on research
Promoting research abroad
Promoting international research
Increasing the participation of PDI in projects, groups, networks and international research visits
Promoting the participation of foreign students/lecturers in programmes and research groups at the UIC
Increasing the international co-authorship of articles
Encouraging relationships with and receiving funding from international research organisations
An international approach to the university
Making sure the UIC services have an international approach
Projecting, promoting and positioning UIC Barcelona's image and brand abroad
Ensuring UIC Barcelona is internationally recognised
Establishing UIC Barcelona's language policy and drafting a Language Plan
Designing and implementing a language learning programme for staff at the UIC
Promoting an international image abroad
Placing UIC Barcelona in a competitive position on the international market: determining the target countries from the perspective of publicising each degree and appearing higher in university rankings
Sponsoring international social cooperation and development aid projects, and projects for cultural infrastructure
Designing a promotional strategy for communication channels aimed at international students
Creating an interdepartmental commission to strengthen the UIC's guidance and international coordination
Starting actions to obtain international certifications in the framework of specific qualifications or centres
Participating in prestigious associations, networks and international organisations
Awarding Honorary Doctorates to prestigious personalities from outside Spain