Developing and accomplishing the goals set in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan
Achieving greater efficiency in the organisation and management of work processes and internal communication
Establishing the necessary resources to go ahead with projects and activities that promote the use of synergies between different services and faculties
Consolidating the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS-AUDIT) for each faculty
Establishing mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the UIC objectives in the Strategic Plan 2015-2022
Developing a strategic plan for each faculty service, school or institution aligned with the goals of the UIC Strategic Plan 2015-2022
Establishing actions to introduce and educate on strategic culture and working towards objectives within the organisation.
Consolidating the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) to define the structure and procedures in central services
Drawing up descriptions of job positions
Strengthening internal communication channels
Promoting greater transparency in the actions and tasks undertaken by different services and faculties
Opening an OPI (PDI Information Office)
Creating groups or ad hoc committees specialised in different cross-cutting projects and monitoring the implementation of these projects
Finalising the definition of the procedural structure for each faculty, and establishing connections between the IQAS for each faculty and the IQAS for central services
Processing IQAS-AUDIT marks for each faculty
Making sure staff profiles are suitable
Developing strategies to improve the integration, career development and stability of staff in the organisation
Consolidating staff training in order to facilitate professional growth within the organisation
Preparing a list of the types and scope of jobs for each service/faculty
Establishing a procedure for hiring and firing staff at the UIC
Establishing improvements for the performance assessment system in the workplace
Making it easier for new hires to adapt to their new job
Encouraging internal or interdepartmental mobility
Establishing policies that promote job stability and a healthy work-life balance
Permanent training for PAS
Promoting training through internal resources: participation from PAS/PDI as teachers in internal training for UIC staff; participation from PAS/PDI as students in already established training programmes
Establishing a cross-training plan, to be used as a tool to encourage interdepartmental relations
Designing incentive policies for PAS
Consolidating the framework of the UIC
Strengthening the sense of belonging of members of the university community
Planning, positioning and promoting the UIC around the country
Establishing agreements with other more established brands to take advantage of market synergies
Creating high-impact marketing actions
Strengthening contact between students and teachers, and between Alumni
Informing the university community of activities organised by the Alumni association
Encouraging students to take part in inter campus meetings
Providing continuity to Link events
Providing brand material or brand-building material to PAS/PDI
Strengthening internal communications: how things are going and what the university is doing well
Ensuring UIC Barcelona is in a competitive position nationally
Establishing a network of representatives and Alumni who work together to promote the University
Integrating the use of IT services for internal processes
Integrating the use of IT for learning
Ensuring the equipment and infrastructure are adapted to UIC installations and learning and work environments
Optimising the use and management of areas in the UIC both internally and externally
Promoting sustainability, risk prevention, safety and accessible facilities
Consolidating the management system for technology development projects
Implementing projects that develop technological innovation
Seeking new technological innovation projects that will improve educational quality
Making an annual preventive maintenance plan and improving the running of facilities
Improving the way areas at UIC are booked
Maximising rentals of areas at the UIC to external clients
Making the university community aware of the importance of the Emergency Plan and ensuring its implementation.
Studying new measures and policies to promote sustainability at the University
Maintaining the balance of the current financing system and strengthening the UIC's external funding
Consolidating the fund-raising structure
Fostering a culture of fund-raising at UIC
Promoting new areas of economic growth beyond education
Maintaining the stability of the current funding system and achieving suitable financial redistribution across all aspects
Raising funds from target countries: Mexico, UAE and the United Kingdom
Planning regular activities to raise and manage funds and/or assets from individuals, companies and foundations
Maximising resources from funds raised over 7 years
Training sessions for internal UIC groups that are likely to raise funds for the University (CAU faculty, alumni, etc.)
Establishing a plan of action for fund-raising for internal UIC groups (university visits)
Detecting opportunities for economic growth
Drawing up business models (ad hoc or standard models)
Ensuring the implementation of this plan, and monitoring and evaluating growth to make sure it meets UIC Barcelona's needs
Maximising performance for existing lines of teaching (for bachelor's degrees and postgraduate studies)