Structure and governing bodies

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the supreme governing body for the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. The Board exercises its authority directly, or via the Executive Committee. At the proposal of the Executive Committee, the Board of Trustees appoints and dismisses the rector, vice-rectors, general manager, general secretariat, faculty deans, and directors of the university schools, research institutes and study centres, as well as other members of the Board of Governors. The Board of Trustees is also responsible for ordinary and extraordinary annual budgets and adjustments.

Board of Governors

La Junta de Govern és l’òrgan col·legiat de govern ordinari de la Universitat, que l’exerceix en ple o per mitjà de la Comissió Executiva. Els membres són nomenats i cessats pel Patronat, excepte en el cas de delegar-se en la Comissió Executiva. 

La Junta de Govern la integren el rectorat, els vicerectorats, gerència, secretaria general, els deganats, les direccions d’escoles, d’instituts universitaris de recerca i de centres d’estudis, i una representació dels departaments que es constitueixin; a més a més, hi ha una persona representant del personal d’administració i serveis (PAS) i una persona delegada dels alumnes, per cadascun dels campus de la Universitat. També formen part de la Junta de Govern, si s’escau, les direccions que acordi el Patronat.


The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya is made up of faculties, schools, departments, university research institutes, education centres that offer online teaching, study centres, university clinics and university services.

The faculties and schools are responsible for organising teaching and the academic, administrative and management processes involved in awarding undergraduate, master's, and postgraduate degrees. Faculties and schools are also in charge of ensuring the quality of teaching and student support.


Departments are the teaching and research bodies in charge of coordinating education in one or more areas of knowledge in one or more centres, according to applicable curricula and requirements; offering support for teaching and research activities and initiatives run by teaching staff; and exercising the functions determined by the university statute. Departments may be divided into different areas of knowledge and other more specialised units.