
The Vila-Saborit Foundation, Sagrat Cor Hospital and UIC Barcelona set up the Vila-Saborit Foundation Nursing Research Awards in 2016 with the aim of recognising the work of young researchers, promoting scientific excellence, supporting research in the field of nursing and disseminating research conducted in the field of nursing.  

The awards have two categories.  :

  1. Doctoral theses (biannual)  
  2. Final master’s degree projects (annually) 

Terms and conditions of the eighth edition of the Awards (2024)

The following people can be candidates:  

Professionals who have completed a university master’s degree (official) and who have defended a research project in the context of a final master’s degree project (TFM) in the an area of nursing knowledge. They must have defended their TFM during the 2023-2024 academic year. Candidates must have obtained a minimum mark of 8. They must attach their academic record for the master’s degree they have completed.

The call is open to all the students enrolled in official university master’s degrees offered by Catalan universities.

The projects must be unpublished and written in Catalan, Spanish or English. They can be related to any area of nursing knowledge.

Characteristics of the prize:

Final Master’s Degree Projects: annual call

First prize €1,000
Two runner-up prizes: €500 (each)

Deadline and location to submit applications:

Applications must be delivered via email to addressed to María Vera, and must include the correctly completed paperwork in the required format.

The application period begins on 1 July 2024 and ends on 4 October 2024. Only proposals submitted in the correct format and before the stipulated deadline will be accepted.

Documentation and method of delivery:

Final Master’s Degree Project candidacies 

Presentation of final master’s degree project candidacies must exclude any information that might identify the candidate. Candidates will submit the completed form for presenting final master’s degree project applications, which can be downloaded from the websites, or The completed and signed copy of your personal data protection document and the certificate accrediting a minimum mark of 8 for the project must be attached to the email.

Your candidacy document must contain no more than 4,000 words (excluding annexes and the bibliography).

Selection process

The prizes will be awarded by a specifically assigned expert jury consisting of representatives of the following institutions:

  • The Vila-Saborit Foundation
  • Holders of PhDs in nursing (one member for each Catalan university that offers nursing degree programmes and master’s degrees)
  • Holders of PhDs in nursing who are also members of Catalan healthcare institutions
  • Experts in research from the Sagrat Cor University Hospital
  • The Official Professional Association for Nurses of Barcelona (COIB)

The jury's decision will be made public at the awards ceremony to be held on 17 November 2023.

Once the finalist candidacies have been defended in public in a final evaluation by the jury, the winners will be announced.

The Vila-Saborit Foundation, Sagrat Cor Hospital and UIC Barcelona reserve the right to disseminate the prizes awarded via any other media outlet.

The jury’s decision cannot be appealed, and the prize can be made null and void if the theses presented do not meet the requirements considered necessary by the jury.

Candidates will be not be considered if they do not present their thesis in the required format, do not submit the corresponding application form correctly filled in, or the documentation by the deadline and in the manner that has been specified.

Participation conditions

This award is compatible with other funding for the same purpose, although if the results or initiative are published or disseminated, it should be mentioned that it has received this award with the following sentence: “This project has been partially funded by the Vila-Saborit Awards”  

The winners accept that their project can be disseminated via the UIC website and Vila-Saborit website or other broadcast media. The intellectual property of the projects and initiatives presented will always remain with the authors and they can publish it wherever they consider.

Dates for the eight edition of the Awards:

  • From 1 July to 4 October: reception of applications.
  • From 7 October to 11 November: evaluation by the jury.
  • 15 November at 5 p.m.: awards ceremony at the Auditorium of the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor. 

Secretariat award

UIC Barcelona
Sant Cugat Campus
Calle Josep Trueta, s/n
Office hours: 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 

Contact person: María Vera
935 042 000

Direct line: 930 191 864