
110 Students Defend Research Projects in Eighth UIC Pre-University Competition

On the morning of Saturday, 25 February 2012, the research projects for the eighth edition of the Pre-University Competition were orally defended on the Barcelona Campus. The competition is aimed at secondary-school students. The 110 students who submitted research projects represented about 70 public and private secondary schools across all four provinces of Catalonia.

cells, “coolhunting”, aircraft aerodynamics, the impact of
the Internet on the music industry and home automation were just a few of the
topics of the 110 projects presented in the eighth edition of the Pre-University
Competition on Saturday, 25
February 2012. Projects from all areas were presented: social
sciences, the humanities, education, communication, architecture, technology,
biology, medicine and dentistry.


students orally defended their projects throughout the morning. The jury, which
was made up of UIC professors from the different areas of knowledge involved,
judged the projects on their relevance and interest, as well as students'
motivation, their skills in terms of structuring content and their oral


names of the finalists will be published on the UIC website on Friday, 16 March
2012. The finalists will present their projects on the afternoon of Friday, 30
March 2012, on the Barcelona Campus. Following the jury's deliberation, the
prizes will be awarded the same day.


students who finish in the top 10 will win a scholarship covering 100% of the enrolment
fee to study any degree at the UIC in the 2012-2013 academic year and those who
finish in the top three will win a laptop computer. The tutors of the winning
students will receive a PDA.