
170 Secondary-School Students Attend Philosophy Seminar Session on Descartes

On Thursday, 23 January 2014, Miriam Vidal-Quadras, a professor in the Faculty of Humanities, gave the lecture «Descartes: Knowledge and Reality» as part of the Philosophy Seminar the Faculty organizes for secondary-school students.

Using the interpretation of some passages of Meditations on First Philosophy, the work of Descartes that appears on this year’s university entrance exam, Vidal-Quadras offered an overview of Descartes’ thinking.

The professor discussed the paradigm shift that Descartes represented in regard to philosophic thought and the method he introduced. Vidal-Quadras closed the session with a comparison between Aristotle, who represents realism, and Descartes, who represents rationalism.

Close to 170 secondary-school students attended the lecture, which was given as part of the series of Philosophy Seminars organized by Dr. Magda Bosch. On Thursday, 13 February 2014, Dr. Jaume Armengou, the Vice Rector for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff, will give the next lecture, “Making Decisions as Homo Cybersapiens”.