
About 200 People Attend Open House

On Saturday, 24 November 2012, the UIC once again opened its doors to students and their families interested in learning more about the university. Those attending the event were given the opportunity to experience the Barcelona Campus facilities. On Saturday, 1 December, the Open House will be held on Sant Cugat Campus.

During the event, the 200
or so people were welcomed by Rector Pere
Alavedra, who spoke to them about the UIC as a place
where students can acquire the skills needed to become graduates valued by
modern society.

Belén Zárate, the Vice
Rector for the University Community, then gave a brief presentation about the
courses taught at the university and talked about the UIC's four key values:
people, the heart of our mission; the search for the truth; social commitment;
and professional prestige. A video about the 2011-2012 academic year was then

After the presentations,
the families were given a guided tour of the campus facilities, depending on
their children's interests and the courses they intend to study.

The event concluded with
drinks in the Garden Hall.