
Albert Jovell Institute Presents «Evolution of Chronically Ill Patients» at International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services

As part of the International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, which took place in Barcelona from Wednesday to Friday, 23-25 April 2014, the UIC's Albert J. Jovell Institute of Public Health and Patients presented the results of its qualitative study «Evolution of Chronically Ill Patients». The Institute produced the study in collaboration with the Spanish Patients' Forum and with the support of ESTEVE.

Emilia Arrighi, the Institute’s Head of Research, gave a presentation on the study’s key findings and the work she is doing in the fields of health literacy and self-healing.

The International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services is made up of 40 national and regional networks dedicated to promoting health. The conference, which was held in Barcelona for the first time, brought together over 900 experts from around the world and included an opening talk by Dr. Rima Rudd from Harvard University.