
Anna-Clara Martínez defends her thesis on political parties and public procurement at UIC Barcelona

Lawyer and new doctor of Law, Anna-Clara Martínez, presented her thesis Los partidos políticos y la contratación pública: análisis y aplicación práctica de la condición de poder adjudicador (‘Political parties and public procurement: an analysis and practical application of the condition of contracting authority’) at UIC Barcelona on 14 March. 


Anna-Clara Martínez’s doctoral thesis analyses political parties’ power as a contracting authority in matters of public procurement, and the consequences that stem from this status. 

Her research begins by reflecting on the theory behind political parties and their capacity as contracting authorities. She also analyses the practical side of how the main parties in Spain operate contractually, as well as the guidelines they should follow and the proposals they could implement regarding public procurement.

In her study, the author asks whether the procurement of works, services and supplies by political parties should be subject to public procurement regulations, since the parties, in addition to being constitutionally recognised in the legal system and pursuing matters of general interest, are financed not only by private funds, but also by public money.

The new doctor of Law, Anna-Clara Martínez, brings her four years of research on the Doctoral Degree in Economics and Law at UIC Barcelona to an end, having been supervised by Dr Juan José Guardia Hernández. The thesis defence board included Dr José Esteve Pardo from the University of Barcelona, Dr Agustí Cerrillo i Martínez from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Dr Mariola Rodríguez Font from the University of Barcelona.