
Architect Carme Pinós patron for new graduates in Architecture at UIC Barcelona

The prestigious architect and university lecturer, Carme Pinós was the patron of the graduation ceremony for UIC Barcelona Architecture, held in the University’s Aula Magna lecture theatre. The rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, led the graduation ceremony in which some thirty UIC Barcelona School of Architecture students received their diplomas.

Carme Pinós, National Architecture Award, told the new graduates that “Good architecture design is good city design.” My architecture is always based on understanding where I am, both culturally and physically.” In her speech, the renowned architect gave details of some of her most successful projects, such as the CaixaForum in Zaragoza, the Cube I and Cube II offices in Guadalajara (Mexico), the Plaza de la Gardunya, or the La Massana School. “Architects write stories, our buildings make bring them to life,” Pinós said. 

Thirty students received their graduation diplomas from the rector, Alfonso Méndiz, UIC Barcelona School of Architecture director, Víctor Echarri and the graduation patron, Carme Pinós. On behalf of the graduating class, students Sofia Argelich, Aishath Zuha Abdul Bari and Alicia Mota expressed their gratitude to everyone working at the institution, their classmates and their families. “I remember when I was asked why I wanted to study Architecture I said to improve people’s lives. Now that I’ve finished, I reaffirm that I want to improve people’s lives,” Sofia Argelich said. 

As part of the event, Víctor Echarri, director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, gave a touching speech: “We are architects transforming problems into solutions and ideas into buildings, expressing our sensitivity and our personality, and thereby transform society.” 

Rector Alfonso Méndiz closed the event saying, “I don’t encourage you to seek success for the sake of success or for applause, but that you seek professionalism and rigour.” He asked the students to be UIC Barcelona ambassadors wherever they go and reminded them that the University will always be a home where they will always be welcomed.

Graduació Arquitectura