
The B-Excellent programme works to raise awareness of energy saving among young people

On 23 November, the last of six sessions of the B-Excellent programme took place. Participating students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences made the final presentations of their group projects, based on the Discovery Programme, a strategic plan of MAPFRE. The challenge this year was to propose a project that would promote energy savings among young people 

The B-Excellent programme, led by Lecturer Cristina Tresserres, is an initiative of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, designed with the aim of preparing students with the best academic record to become the business leaders of the future. The project seeks to provide participants with an overview of what the business world really looks like and what they can expect in a professional environment.

After five weeks of teamwork and six intense briefing sessions, brainstorming and gamification, on Thursday, 23 November, students made group presentations of their final proposals to members of the MAPFRE management.

As the most creative idea and that MAPFRE intends to launch, was the project presented by the Fibonacci team, formed by Elena de Juan, Ana Junquera, Joel Molina and Pablo Veciana, second- and third-year Business Administration (ADE) students. Second prize went to the team formed by Marc Álvarez, Marc Tello, Carla Plana and Mar Barril, second- and third-year ADE students. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to visit the Torre MAPFRE, a Barcelona City icon. And both winning groups will present their projects at the inter-university final that MAPFRE will hold next February.

Marta Mas, dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, spoke a few words to the students and thanked them for their participation. She valued the work carried out by the different groups very positively and highlighted the high level of the proposals. She also thanked the jury, which was formed by Maria Antònia Fullana and Bernardo Sorribes, regional director of MAPFRE Barcelona and head of the company’s Commercial Network Training and Development, respectively, and, on behalf of UIC Barcelona, ​​Dean Marta Mas and Lecturer Cristina Tresserres, director of the B-Excellent Programme.